September "What's on your workbench?"

A new "hobby" that involves decoys. It made the wife happy lol.

It is going to be secured on two 4x4's outside at our duck club, eyes are for stingers of ducks to be photo'd. I have a coat of poly drying today.


Henry: Thank you for the support. Post up some pictures of you work if you get a chance. I love seeing what others are doing.

Tom: Great sign. Isn't this a second sign for the club? What's the meaning of the club's name?

Palm frond body, cedar head, 3/8" oak dowel eyes, painted in acrylics. I am fairly pleased with this guy, he is the first woodie I have have done. Lots of room from improvement but the early ducks are dumb



Mike the first sign was a sign just to see if I could make one. I have made a second sign since then with improvements leading up to this sign. The 210 is named that since it is not far from 210 hwy. 210 hwy or 10 hwy comes out of East KC on the North side of the Mo River and stays close for awhile. We are about 2 miles North of the Missouri River surrounded by crop fields.
Hollow pine and cedar for the fun of it, not meant to be a replica or copy, just my spin

I think he needs a lot of use to look better!
