Shell Lake, Mallard King Duck Skiff

At this point canvas cloth was stretched and cut to fit the boat . . .
View attachment 11.cloth_applied.jpg

then the cloth was filled (the filling is blue -- see the previous posting with the other boats drying out on the rack) and then painted with a base coat . . .

View attachment 12.cloth_filled.jpg

and the combing re-installed. Rollin called and confirmed that I "really wanted" to paint the outside in dead grass green. He did acknowledge that red was not the traditional color for a duck boat . . . .

View attachment 13.recombed.jpg
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What a transformation! I'm so glad that you are the one to get my "classics". I had a lot of guys wanting to turn the Queen into a bookcase, but I knew the historical value of this boat, and other than a Dan Kidney, this is the most difficult Wisconsin duck boat to find. If you are ever in the St. Paul/Minneapolis area, please let me know, as there will be a ribeye waiting for you.

Try your hand at the BBSB redo, as this is a great boat. It's seaworthy,( had it in Lake Pepin in 4 footers}, and a super "hide" boat. When it is grassed in, and dug in a cut, this boat is pure pleasure, for one guy on a slant board backrest.

Again, Congratulations on the restoration.

I was surfing the craigslist and came accross this add - It appears to be a Shell Lake Mallard Queen - if anyone is intrested


Absolutly beautiful boat!!!!!!!!!! I really don't need to see this (just kidding) Some day maybe I'll find the time and space to do one of those boats. The history is a big part of the appeal but I'll bet they are a joy in the water.