MLBob Furia

Well-known member
I rarely lock up the painting studio or throw the deadbolt lock on the door at the end of a workday, but one of the guys in my men's group solved any potential problem with that when he gave me this at our annual Christmas "White Elephant Gift Exchange Breakfast."

He's an electrical contractor and presented me with the latest in security-camera technology. This thing actually has a motion detector on it, so when the door opens or the lights go on, the light on the camera starts flashing and this is what happens:

View attachment Shopsecurity 001 (600 x 399).jpg

View attachment Shopsecurity 006 (600 x 399).jpg

View attachment Shopsecurity 008 (600 x 399).jpg
Great Idear:
I will try it at my shop!!!!!!!!!!! just one thing I will add a Pitbull!!!!!!!!!!
" Happy Holidays ", Dave D.
That is an interesting approach for dealing with thieves, however quite different from my approach. My shop is so messy, I can't find anything, so I figure thieves would run into the same problem.

Clever gift!
I like that trim that you have up there, Bob. Very nice. I wouldn't hesitate putting a friendly lab in for shop security. They might want to lick your face off but don't mess with them when it comes to watching out for the boss. A very protective animal. I'm sure that system of yours has gotten second looks!
Figures that Bob might go for a gun which has been at times produced by a sewing machine company!

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