Shotgun suggestion

Mark W

Well-known member
I thought I knew what gun to buy my 15 year old but after looking am torn. I was looking at the Rem 870 Express 12 gauge but am rethinking that idea. He had a youth 870 20 gauge that served him well (although he hardly shot it) and this is where I am having my problems. He hasn't hunted nearly as much as I would like (he has been a hard core hockey player who is giving it up this year) and says he wants to hunt more this year. He then says he can only hunt weekends and that he wants to sleep in on weekends. This makes me question just how much hunting he is going to do.

I want a quality gun but don't want to spend a great deal of money on it as I don't think it will get used. I have searched the local haunts for used guns and there isn't much available. Someone suggested giving him my old Benelli M1 but I love that gun and it shoots well for me so I don't thikn that is an option.

I'm not one to own a bunch of guns but it would be nice to have a back up gun should my Benelli go down. Suggestions.

Mark W
I think dollar for dollar you can't go wrong with the 12ga 870. I have used one for the last 10 years. I have had next to no trouble with it. You can find em on sale for $275. A used one would be an option but like you said its hard to find one. I think you were right to go with your 1st thought of a new 12ga 870. Good luck with your choice.
Mark, I think you know my vote (suggestion), don't overthink this just get him the 870 and if he quits hunting to chase girls you will have a backup that will be ready to go. heehee;-)
I'd vote for the 870 also, but if you're thinking you might want a gun that will be a back-up for you as well, you could look at the Benelli Nova. Reliable pump like the 870, but if you are used to shooting the M1 it might fit you better than the 870. If your son is just hunting occasionally, either one would be a good gun for him.
I too like the Nova better than the 870. Maybe you should just get a different stock for the 20 g... sounds like he has already told you that he is not going to hunt much... if at all since sleep is the priority...
Mark I think he already has the perfect gun. I have a 870 in both 20 and 12 gage. The 20 will do every thing the 12 does plus it is a lot lighter. I am in the more is less group. The counter culture of old farts......Why carry a six pound walking cane when a two pound walking cane will work......

Now if you want a back up gun.. Well get something real nice...hee hee
Go with a Beretta Model 390 and include a Beretta cap and he'll be cool. That gives you a decent back up gun also. my two cents.
wis boz
If sleeping is his main priority I vote for you to by yourself a backup gun of choice and let him continue using the 20. If he was showing some serious enthusiasm for hunting then get him a 12.
I agree, buy American... you cant go wrong with an 870, I own several and they have never let me down.
If you really think he needs a new gun, take him to some shops and let him pick whatever used 12 ga fits him and fits your wallet. It may get him more excited about hunting this year. The worst case scenario is he doesn't want to hunt, and you sell the gun for about what you bought it. I have bought all of my guns used and I always sell them for what I paid. Some sell quick some not so quick but they all sell with no loss.

On a side note, I still have the used 870 Wingmaster I picked when it was time for me to step up to a 12 ga. I don't shoot it much anymore, but when I do... it's like riding a bike :)
Another vote for the 870. You can beat the heck out of it use it as a paddle if you have too. New stocks for the 20ga is a option. I've been shooting a 20ga for about 5 Seasons and as metioned before it'll do everything a 12ga will do only cheaper. Can beat a case of Federal Ultrashock for $109 with free shipping from Rogers Sporting Goods Just my .02
Stoeger makes a model 2000 it is a semi auto12 guage that uses a fixed barrel, inertia recoil operated system just like the Benelli for half the cost. I bought one for my son last year and it is a great gun. Also it comes with I believe 5 chokes mod, imp, full, turkey, and a skeet.
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I have 2 friends that both have Stoeger 2000s They love them and have had no problems. Stoeger also just came out with a 3-1/2" model too.

Me personally, I shoot Remingtons mainly 1187s but have an 870. As said before, you can beat it, use it as a paddle or even drop it in the mud and it keeps shooting.
I'd swap the stock out and see how it works out, it's a cheap fix to your decision. I own both guns a 20 870 and the stoeger. both great guns. Chris
I would have to agree with Tom, if sleeping is higher on your Sons priority list then hunting, let him shoot his 20, and you can always spoil him and let him shoot your new Benelli once Dad spoils himself... :) Can't beat the good ol 870's though..Good luck with your decision