SInce we've been on the subject of earning a living


Well-known member
Please forgive me if this post is inaporopriate for a duck hunting forum. I am asking here simply because I know there are a lot of guys here with good judgement as well as guys who have the same interests as I do.

One of the reasons I have had an interest in other people's occupations lately is because I am looking to make a career change. I'm looking for some advice and opinions.

The long and short of who I am and what my skills are as follows:

I am 36 years old and happily married for 2 years with our first child coming in may. I graduated High school in 91 and took a few courses in community college ten years ago. I have worked in the flooring industry in sales and installation for a large part of my adult life as well as some experience at building rock climbing walls and ropes courses, worked as a hunting guide, and served in the Marine Corps.

I have excellent communication skills, and I am very good at dealing with people.

I can learn things quickly, and have a good aptitude for mechanical things.

I am a thinker, maybe even a dreamer of sorts. I tend to think BIG, and I am quite creative.

I do not want to work within the same four walls every day.

I am a good salesman, but only if I believe strongly in the product I am selling.

The list goes on, but this should give you an idea. Any suggestions on industries I should look into?


I'd suggest that you run for Presidend of the U.S. but you appear to be way overqualified.

Good luck in your endeavor.
I'd ask Lou - love what you what you love

I am in the healthcare field and insurance along with the fee schedule reductions really suck. Inflation has gone up over the past few years naturally and my pay has gone down. Working twice as hard for the same money. That aside I do love what I do...

My dream...Living in Vermont, NH or even Montana in God's country. I have three kids ages 5 and under so I can't financially make a career change but I'd love to work for a gun manufacturer, hunting supply company, own a gun shop(probably not a smart move with Obama) or even work for the local Division of Fish and Wildlife.

You need to ask the higher powers that be for an answer. They will give you a sign. You just have be able to known when it's given.

Paul, sounds to me like you have a good start with the carving classes. have you concidered a wood working school that would include decoy making, boat building, etc..? Why don't you give that some thought. Your interest in this seems to be strong enough.

Good luck in what ever you decide.

Bob h
hey rutgers, not sure if my ramblings will be relevant to your needs and desires but what the hell, cant hurt. we have some similarities in that im 33, graduated high school in 93, went to community college in 2000, been working in a trade as a meat cutter since high school up until one year ago next month. after 14 years as a meat cutter, i didnt have anything to show for it. enjoyed the work, pay let me live the way i wanted to(no kids or wife) and time off was decent. but, no retirement and job security could be an issue at some point working for a small outfit. so, i took a job with the state of new york as a corrections officer last december. my brother (an officer with 10yrs on the job) bugged me for the longest time before i took the test. in my state, C.O.'s make more than most town and county police agencies in my area. the job security is there and the retirement plan is real good. plus the time off is crazy. i have the option of working 105 days out of the year with shift swaps. those were the kind of things i looked at when deciding to take this job. communications skills and people skills are a plus. but, you do have to "work within the same four walls everyday" with this job!! anyways, best of luck with your search. i went through the same thing a year ago so i appreciate your postion. youll get where you want to go one way or another. best, mark
How about OWN your own flooring business. My cousin has done very very well in that business. Made the leap from residential to commercial and has 20 guys working for him. If you are good at sales, have a technical background, don't mind hustling (in the good sense) and can estimate well, then owning your own business may be what you should do.
Hey Paul

You kinda alluded to some of this last time I saw you. As I am sure you saw on the other thread, all jobs have their pros and cons.

A few hard questions for you to ponder (and discuss with the wife depending on how serious you are):

1) how important is it to be home every night (or day, depending on shift) with your family?

2) are you dead set on living in Kalamazoo Michigan?

3) what is more important to you at this point, enjoying what you do or providing for your family?

There is a balance between bringing home the bacon and being at home. You need to find where you want to be.

Give me a call if you want to discuss it some more...

I worked in manufacturing for many years and one day the maintenance supervisor asked if I would join the It was the best move I've ever made. I became the maint supervisor when my boss was promoted.
The company left town a few years later. I chose not to move to Houston after I had gone there to help set-up the operation. I have had MANY job offers and some were quite interesting. There will always be a place for people to service machinery. I looked at a job servicing x-ray equipment where you could work any hours you chose and traveled throughout the region. It was a great job that would fit your parameters. I'm currently working in a dairy as a maint guy. Nice job,low stress!!
Just a thought, John
Figure out what people need in good times and bad, then either sell it, install it or make it. Not a dime is made till something is sold...and sales is one of, if not THEE, toughest way to make a life.
if thats the case lee, then cribs coffins or cars would be somethings rutgers could sell. wish i could help but im in the same boat and have no idea.

mark my uncle works at bear hill prison near dannamora (sp) is that anywheres near you?

I say do what makes you happiest, so long as you aren't hungry and can stay warm. I do not believe there is anything such as "job security" anymore. Especially lately.
Yesterday I was laid off due to economic crunches even in health care. Have sorked for over 20 years as an RN and that whole time someone has always said, "oh, your an RN, you can get a job anywhere". Well, would you hire a foot doctor to do brain surgery? They are both doctors though.
Had to go back to the place I'd left months ago because the stress from one of the administrators was truely a health concern. I would wake up in the mornings with a resting heart rate of 100 beats a minute.
Paul, do what you want to, if you can make ends meet and be happy.

Dutch, I worked some with your father in Ruston when I worked the ICU there. He was a pleasure to work with.
Wow, for a garbage man, you sure build some cool houses........and garages.
Now, was that garage man or garbage man that you stated? ;)
Later partner, good to see you around.

I am a garbage man and it works well for me, don't hack it til you try it.
I am with Mark on this one. Maybe look into Corrections/Law enforcement. I have been a Deputy for three years and I love my job. Every day is a new challenge/adventure. I have dabbled in everything from auto sales to fabrication and I have found a career that keeps me sharp and gives me the opportunity to give back to my community. I can say that I am proud of what I do and enjoy my job. If you were in sales then you have an understanding of people, how to read them and how to say things in ways to get what you want. A lot of law enforcement/corrections is knowing how to deal with people, all kinds of people, from every day joe and sally to crazy eddie that is waiting for his trip to mars. No offense to any Joe, Sally, or Eddie's in the crowd. I am not saying that this is the best job in the world it has its highs and hard lows, but I can't see myself doing anything else and being happy. Might want to check it out. Good luck with whatever you persue.