Scott Farris
Well-known member
I hit the CT River yesterday hoping for either ducks or geese. Water was low and there were a bunch of geese using a nearby section that I can't hunt for a roost. All day the ducks were essentially nonexistent. The morning goose fly out was impressive but none of them were stupid enough to fly over my location. Most frustrating were the last few dozen geese that wouldn't leave the river. They pulled in the only returning flight of the morning. So about 10:00 I gave up on them leaving on their own and walked down the shallow very slippery riverbed until they flushed. All morning there were weird calls coming out of that group making me think the Canadas had company. Well anyway I finally had a clear river to work with. And nothing was flying, until an eagle decided to move the ducks around, providing me with at least a look at a couple of flights. Of course they were interested in clearing out of the area, not joining my decoys. Finally at 12:30 a flight of geese returned to the river. 5 pealed off and came right in, enthralled by the sound of a MLBob goose call. One stayed and why only one? cause I blew it! Well at least I wasn't limited out with 3 cause a few minutes later a funny sounding bird flew over from behind me. It was a goose shape, so I hit the call as soon as it was clear. It swung around and came on in giving me a good look at it. It was a white fronted goose which is legal game in CT although I've never shot one. In my excitement I missed the first shot but settled down and dropped with the second, and with the blk dog's help I had my first ever White Fronted goose! They've come in before but I've already been limited out on Canadas or goose wasn't in season at the time. I hope they taste good!
And with nothing flying the next hour I called it a day. Slow, hot, with rain showers, but I ended up with a NEW personal species. And I'm still VERY happy with MLBob's calls. Looks and substance!
And with nothing flying the next hour I called it a day. Slow, hot, with rain showers, but I ended up with a NEW personal species. And I'm still VERY happy with MLBob's calls. Looks and substance!