Slow year in Heart of Dixie

Matt Masters

Active member
This was by far the worse season I have had in Alabama but not gonna complain too bad. I managed to scratch off a few birds and my girlfriend killed her first duck this year and she is hooked. She fired 5 shots total out of 3 hunts and killed 3 birds (1st hen Bluebill, 2nd hen Goldeneye, and 3rd drake Gadwall). I am going to start traveling more next year to start checking off the specie list. Here's a few pics of the season. Hope everyone had a great season and can't wait until next, but in the meantime I am going to try my hand a carving out some decoys to pass the time.






Thats no so bad of a year.. You shot some real pretty birds. I am dying to shoot a woody.. I'd have him to the taxidermist before the hunt was over..Lol
And jealous of the divers too..
Well, the bad year means a good one next year...
Thanks for the comments. Shooting woodies down here is like shooting flies. If you have a spot they want to be in they are in there by the hundreds. Those we shot this year we ok but nowhere near like the one a buddy of mine shot last year on his birthday. He killed his first Canvasback (one on the left) and set the standard on Woodies when he shot the one in he pic. It is by far the best, most uniformed fully plumed Woodrow I have ever seen or held.

