sneak attack

Luke Berkey

Well-known member
I was taking some pic of my daughter this morning and my chocolate lab, Porter, decided he wanted to participate. Even at almost 6 he is a very high energy dog and just about 100 pounds. So we have been making him keep his distance until we know how he will act around her. He has been great so far and hasn't given us one reason not to trust him. Now that she is crawling it is getting harder to keep the separated. She has no fear and want to chase him around and grab his fur. This morning he snuck around the corning of our kitchen island and came right up and licked her face. It didn't bother her one bit but scared my over protective wife a little at first. Got lucky with this shot.



I think your daughter may have to get used to "puppy kisses". Yes it bothers the moms much more than the kids. As long as you guys as parents don't make a big deal about "puppy kisses" then your daughter will just learn to think of them as normal.
Great picture. There be best friends before you know it. When my little sister was a kid if she got told off you would find her either in our labs basket or kennel out side normally cuddled up with him.

I think your daughter may have to get used to "puppy kisses". Yes it bothers the moms much more than the kids. As long as you guys as parents don't make a big deal about "puppy kisses" then your daughter will just learn to think of them as normal.
She will also have to learn the tail block,since that swinging thing will be smacking her in the face for the next 5 years! I raised 2 daughters with a passel of labs, the girls would climb in the whelping box and socialize the pups. Some of my fondest memories as a father. Enjoy her and these early years they grow up way to fast!
I am sure happy you had a camera handy. That is an adorable picture. Thanks for posting it. I can just picture your cute daughter riding Porter like a horse someday. By the way, Porter is one handsome chocolate!
That lab will be her best buddy. That picture is great. My lab used to steal the socks off my son why he was rocking in this rocker and never once hurt him!
My son has a yellow lab and my grandson and the lab are best friends.Brendan is only two years old and he lays on the dog,pulls hair.grabs her by the lips and drags her across the floor and she just loves it.She has slept by his bed since Brendan was born and is a protector.And then Brendan at times will lay down next to her and hug her and pet her and talk to her.I think it's also his job to feed her too.AT two years old Brendan is quite a charactor and quite smart.He knows how to blow a duck call and at times get a goose call to break over.
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I know its best to be caucus at first. I raised 4 Daughters with labs all around them.Never had a mean lab.The Babies & lab became the best of friends.