Snipe hunt

Jon Zuccolo

Active member
Good morning all, just thought I'd post up a picture of my pup with some snipe he pointed. Not sure if I'm gonna be able to eat so much meat :p

Hope you all are having a fun season!


Nice shooting.

The last snipe hunt I was on had my little sister, little brother and me carring a paper bag and banging on a pot yelling "Here Snipe" through a corn field at dusk. Dad swore they were there but we didn't catch any. We must not have done it right because my dad and my grandpa couldn't stop laughing. Must have been our form!
Jon - thanks for the post it brings back memories of Snipe huntin' after morning Teal hunts. That's a good photo. As for eatin' they are fine I always plucked them like Woodcock, a nice pile of wonderful feathers.
I'll totally ditch the decoys if I see snipe during season. I'd rather get some exercise and walk them up then sit and wait for the elusive duck :D
Nice! It's cool that your dog pointed them.
I've been looking for snipe but haven't flushed a single one yet this fall. I'd like to add them to my pups list.

Yes, its a good quick hunt after work and before the sun is set. :)

Moose is pointing a lot of stuff these days. On that particular hunt, he also pointed 3 black ducks that I could not see over the creek bank.
I absolutely love woodcock hunting, but have never encountered any snipe (at lease I don' think so). Are you able to tell the difference between the two on wing? Do snipe make the same sound as a woodcock when taking flight?

Can't wait for our woodcock season to open.
I think they fly about the same and sound about the same. They are both up so quick, and then gone, that its hard to imagine trying to tell them apart on the wing, but the major difference is where you would find them. If your feet stay dry, you probably won't find a snipe (at least not where I live).
Where's the garbage bag, stick to beat it, and flashlight? I remember some snipe hunts I went on in High School. No guns, no birds seen.

Mark W
Where's the garbage bag, stick to beat it, and flashlight? I remember some snipe hunts I went on in High School. No guns, no birds seen.

Mark W

If you didn't have a whistle then you were just standing around like an idiot at night in the woods.

Where's the garbage bag, stick to beat it, and flashlight? I remember some snipe hunts I went on in High School. No guns, no birds seen.

Mark W

If you didn't have a whistle then you were just standing around like an idiot at night in the woods.


Whistles were so yesterday...... We went the silent approach and just shined the light into the bag. Snipes flew right in - everyime.

Great sport.

Mark W
Never found Snipe and Woodcock in the same places. Sheet water in harvested fields can hold snipe. Snipe have their own distinct Peep, fly low and very erratic not easy shooting.
George - I agree, if any bird can it's Snipe. In the right place they also will come to decoys. A very underrated Migratory Game Bird.
I agree but once I saw them within 100 yds of each other... the snipe were further into cover than usual... and the woodcock closer to water than usual. a muddy delta that ran up into a dryish bottom. bagged two snipe and on the second retrieve the dog bumped a woodcock.
Well, it was bound to happen thanks to this thread. Each evening after "home from the hill" I'm rereading my Woodcock and Snipe books. Gotta cram in as much as possible outdoors and indoors this time of year. We wait all year for it then it flies by along with the birds we love.