So tell me what do you think?

I think I am not going to paste that link to my web browser. I don't trust links sorry. I have gotten too many viruses already.
Sorry about the cut and paste I'll attempt to fix it when I get home from work tonight. I've looked at the sanford box and like the design but I don't think they will nest together and I want something that will. I'll take more pictures of what I've got made for a prototype when I get home.
I would take some cardboard, lay it out, duck tape together. When you have exactly what you want, then use plywood. Appliance stores are excellent places to get the right size cardboard. Start with the smallest box and add a inch and a haft for each box, all a round.

I went to the link. He wasted a lot of material. All ready he is ready to change it. The nice thing is you can learn from what he did.