1st thing would be to talk to a financial planner, and set aside 90% in whatever way works best tax-wise. Then my wife and I would play a game of airport roulette for about a year or so.
For those of you who don't know, this is where you show up at the airport with just the clothes on your back, and you take the next random flight out. You do the same thing at the next few airports you land at, and when you're tired, you go to a hotel and hang out in that city/country for a few days/weeks then do it all over again
I would make it home in time for hunting season; perhaps take a few outfitted/guided hunts here and there.
During my travels, my wife and I would decide how much money would be given to family, to charity, and where we will settle down and where we would have apartments/cabins, and what time of the year we would go there. For sure we would get a cabin on the French River in Northern Ontario! Great fishing/camping/canoeing! Maybe even moose hunting (if we become Ontario residents). Maybe we'd also get apartments in Algarve in Portugal, Prague and/or Budapest.
Our main residence would have to be a horse farm with several horses for cross country (my wife's hobby), a barn for my duckboats and hunting gear, a trap thrower underneath the back porch, areas where I can train the dogs I intend to have (who knows, maybe I will end up a dog trainer), and a full sporting glays course in the woods/fields for when my wife isn't riding.
I wouldn't mind taking a off a year to Follow Todd into Alaska (or Yukon) and build my own cabin the wilderness and live there for awhile, just to see if I can do it.
Yeah... that'd be nice.