Some Duck Boats on.........

Art, I use adhunter too and you can get creative and search different regional names like duck skiff or duck punt or duck canoe , square back square stern freighter canoe. Old names like shell lake(my favorite recently) Dan kidney, Alumacraft Ducker, you get the idea. And if you find a boat not close to you go to and have a trucker bid on the freight price. Ive used that site many times. Hope this helps, Bob.
This is a perfect example of why I like to visit here. While there is a policy and, it has been mentioned before, we are discussing the issue like grown ups. It's like a little piece of America, right here on the web.
I belong to several sites and I can tell you there are several that would not allow this discussion and, further, would act quite juvenile in the way it is handle.
Here, we are discussing it, like grown ups, without all the name calling or threats of banhammer actions.
I like visiting here. I think I'll keep visiting, if you'll continue to have me.
And Art, I'm sure a PM to your close friends giving them a heads up is acceptable but, if they're a really close friend, I'd guess you'd probably just call them.