Some facial expressions (11 pics)

Al Hansen

Well-known member
I ended up taking Chaco and Habi along with me when I went to investigate the Rio Grande. That was a good trip even if I put 28 miles on the Mule. So far the further north I go the more interesting it becomes. I like to let my dogs romp around especially in areas where I think I might hunt. It gives them some much needed time to become acclimated----water or no water. At the present time since we had a recent rain there were a couple of spots that had standing water but no where did I find moving water.

You can tell that Chaco is having a hard time waiting for the command to go. As you are about to see, he has never (since being a puppy) had a hard time expressing himself!









You'll notice that Chaco's tongue is starting to hang out. No doubt that both of them had a good work out yesterday. Last night Habi even went into her crate earlier than she had to.




It looks like you are going to have a tough decision on who to hunt with when the season comes around! Great pictures Al - 2 great looking dogs!
Don't care if it is a lab, poodle or a duck. If I saw that face coming at me, I'd be looking to run...nice pics Al.


It looks like you are going to have a tough decision on who to hunt with when the season comes around! Great pictures Al - 2 great looking dogs!

Thanks, David. It will be difficult when that time comes but no matter what it will be fun.
Well, Mike, there is no doubt that this young male has some interesting expressions----especially the one you picked. I have to agree with what you said---however knowing Chaco, he is a lover!
Reminds me of a time I was hunting with Chili about 8 years ago. I stopped to open a gate and this huge Hereford bull walked out of the brush and headed straight for us. Well, heck, I leaped over the gate to the other side with Chili crawling under the fence. Finally the bull left and I was able to open the gate and leave. I told the rancher that story one day and he started to laugh out loud. The bull's name was "John" and he said, "Al, he would most likely lick your face off if you gave him the chance."
Great pictures Al! Chaco is a very expressive dog.

That river sure is dry. I hope you get some water before long.

Glad you liked those shots, Paul. Yes he is!
I ended up taking Habi down to the rio again this morning and we did some retrieving practice from where the blind will be built. When we left to come home I happened to see a flock of bluewing/cinnamon teal fly down the low flow channel. That is the only place where there is water now. It sure was good to seem them. Most likely it was a flock of mature males. They always seem to be the first ones down here on their way to Mexico. It sure got my adrenalin flowing!