Some pictures---

Al Hansen

Well-known member
Habi's pups are now 2 1/2 weeks old and growing like weeds.


Since the day after they were born, Bev has had her eye on one of the girls. This past Sunday I walked into the livingroom to find her holding this pup again. She said, "Here is Serrano." She was the first pup with her eyes open and on the next day I thought she would be the very first out of the whelping box, also. However, she got back in.





Hi Mom!


For those of you who are yearning for warmer weather you could come down here. It has been unusually warm. Our temps have been running between 10F and 20F above normal. That is not good if you are cutting firewood.

I noticed 2 flocks of light geese heading back to Bosque del Apache yesterday at 11:01AM. I was taking a break from cutting wood and heard them first. It looks like they had gone up to the state's cornfields to feed. Most of them are long gone heading back on their reverse migration.







The Gang!




Great pics Al!

Poor Habi , Do you think she knows that none of her puppys look like her. LOL

Thanks, Doug. She doesn't care. Chip walks a tight rope when he comes into the office where the whelping box is. She puts up with him but he needs to stand his distance or he's in trouble! By the way, Doug, it looks like most of those pups are holding on to Habi's side of the family with those heads and tails looking the way they do. Not only that but half of her background in the pedigree is black.
Al, great pics as usual and thank you for the flowers! We are still in the "polar vortex", with lows in single digits and highs in the 30s.
Curious as how the Mrs makes her choice at 2 1/2 weeks? Does the pup pick her or is it her experience, intuition and observations of the pups?

Best - Paul
Al, Great lookin pups! It is kinda weird how quick they develop personalities. We still haven't been home for Christmas, weather has made us just a bit jumpy and cautious. Ground blizzard today over the center of the state. Send some heat this way. I still am able to say " One day closer to open water" but it is getting hard this year. ;-) Saturday there were 74 jackknifed semis in the area.
After living in Southern New Mexico for 21 years I thought I reconized that sky. I'm excited my girl will be having puppies too! Those are some great pics, everyone loves puppies. I miss that sky too.