Some random pictures

Al Hansen

Well-known member
Habi has a new game.

Keep your eye on the bumper


Get ready





We still have some flowers blooming





Blue moon phase last night. The next one won't occur until July 31st, 2015.





Blaze ended up being sold to a young lady yesterday. He will make a great house dog seeing how comfortable he already was on the dining room table. Bev was getting paperwork ready when the young gal put him on the table to find her checkbook. Good thing that he had just gotten his bath.


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Great pics Al

Habi is a real character. LOL

Thanks Doug. We almost lost her yesterday. Bev and I were outside working and I had Habi with us. Well, we got wrapped up in the project we were on and didn't pay attention to her. She, decided to walk down the hill and trot out onto the highway below us. All of a sudden I heard tires screeching, a horn blaring, and then I yelled, "Habi, come!" About 10 seconds later she came running up the hill. She almost was hit. Well, now I have to rethink how I will handle her when I let her out during the day. Yesterday, we were lucky.
Love that last photo of Habi!!! Excellent!

Thanks so much, Derek. She is getting to be a character and once in a while it is fun to capture those true facial expressions on digits!

Here is Midnight. Took this shot of a female black which we have fallen in love with. Like I said a long time ago, we would make terrible ranchers because we wouldn't be able to sell any of the cows. We'd keep them all. Just like dogs.
