Some Turkey Action

Thanks Kyle......not hard at all, I walk some good distances to hunt and wanted this decoy as light as possible. I eggshelled it out of Paulownia and it comes in at under 3 pounds. Plus I have a shoulder bag for it that makes carrying easy.
Thanks Paul, Glad you did.

I had Ally out yesterday morning also. Birds were working but had to leave early for soccer.

Trail cam pics showed they came thru and hour after we left. There's always next week.

Here's a cool shot from Easter morning.

Looks like a double beard on that bird.

I got skunked. Didn't even get a shock gobble out of a bird. Must be henned up and quiet. Maybe next week.
Yes, It was a lucky pic.Jay I was thinking the same thing on the beard. I did kill a big double beard in this area a few years back, so anything is possible...........
Tuesdays have been lucky!

Today was a crazy morning. It started out all wrong. I usually never set an alarm because I am by nature and early riser. Well unfortunatly today I overslept and didn't roll out of bed until 5:30. Given the fact I am normally set up well before then I debated whether to hunt or just head into the shop to work. I decided to give it and hour or two in the field and see whats going on. Needless to say the conditions were less than favorable. Strong winds, spitting rain and colder temps had me second guessing my decision. As I approach my spot later than normal , yet another stroke of bad luck, I hear a hen PUT PUT the hen ran can it get any worse!

No matter, I'll just sit here and drink some coffee and pass the time, not expecting much. I called halfheartedly not really expecting anything to happen. After about a hour another hen strolls by, then a second, then a third, but no Toms, no gobbles either.

About 30 minutes later The hens start looking nervous and I can't figure out why? Soon the answer, a big older bearded boss hen shows up. I mean she was double the size of the other hens and had a 5 " beard herself.........She Started yelping and carrying on like she owns the place. I never let out a peep on the call , just waiting to see what would happen next.

Soon I can see blue head and tail fans coming thru the brush on my left. The old hen had at least two Gobblers in tow. However they were a silent as a church mouse, strutting, then slicking down and following her.........then strutting again. I recognized them as a pair of two year olds my daughter and I saw on youth day. Nice toms maybe 18 pounds with 9" beards. Not much in the way of spurs though. I really wanted to save one of these birds for Allsion. I wanted that bird that was on the trail cam. Well about 3 minutes later I got my wish. Total silent this wary old Gobbler comes thru the brush at the very back of the line. At this point the bearded hen and two smaller toms are 20 yards to my right having just walked by. I am sure one of them is going to see me move. It seems like and eternity for this old gobbler to start my way. He looped wide around the other 3 birds and now was directly in front at 50 yards. Darn, outsmarted again. One of the young hen from earlier was out that way, and the old gobbler was showing off for her. I figured it is now or never, I am either going to do this or scare the crap out of them trying! I purred real soft and that boss hen broke out cutting and yelping........the big Gobbler couldn't resist and came running right at her. I let him get to 20 yards and rolled him the the 20 gauge.

I have killed heavier, but never a bird with the total package..........23 pounds, 18" of beards and real limb hanger spurs. I have been after this old Gobbler for at least 3 seasons and it felt good to finally win the chess match.

One intersting note, he is missing most of his lower jaw, an old fighting wound or perhaps predator attack. It is healed over as you can see in the pics. Also note the central tail feathers starting to get white banding. Something I have only seen as birds get old...............
Hope you guys enjoyed the story, Pics added below. Jode

23 pounds
10-1/2" beard
8" beard
right spur 1-5/16"
left spur 1-3/16"

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Thanks Pete. Good luck if you get out.

Tod, Thanks. I know you have killed some good ones over the years. First in this class for me.

Derek, Glad your enjoying it.......You must be near some good Osceola's hunting down there.
Great story and very impressive bird! I'm really jealous now as our season ended today. I actually went this morning in driving rain and varied amounts of wind, full knowing I wouldn't kill or see anything, just because I hated to see the season leave. I did find a good spot to try for next year. Please continue to post your hunt reports so us southerners can live vicariously through your later season, ha. I'm going to have to do some traveling one year to extend my season more.
Great story and very impressive bird! I'm really jealous now as our season ended today. I actually went this morning in driving rain and varied amounts of wind, full knowing I wouldn't kill or see anything, just because I hated to see the season leave. I did find a good spot to try for next year. Please continue to post your hunt reports so us southerners can live vicariously through your later season, ha. I'm going to have to do some traveling one year to extend my season more.

Will do Kyle, last goal for this season is to get my Daughter one. I will let you know if we are succesful!