somethings fishy

Huntindave McCann

Well-known member
Spent the last couple days walking a few trout streams. First thing I noticed is that I am out of shape, guess that means I will have to walk a few more streams. No really, This winter was a fat and lazy winter and I need to shed a few pounds. Enough about me, you did not click on this thread to read about me, so here is a picture to view.


First fish of the season at the first spot I stopped at. Went on to another stream and finished filling out my limit. I am happy with the start of my trout season and hope it continues to be as productive. :>) :>)

I threw spinners and spoons and seemed to catch fish most everywhere I went. Followed that up with an Easter meal at my Mother-in=laws and now it it time for a nap. I suppose I could go for a walk and work off a pound or two,,,,,,,,,,,,, naw, the exercise program can start tomorrow. :>) :>)
Nice fish! I hear you on the exercise program. I got mine today doing yard work.

Our streams don't open for another two weeks so I hit the big lake last week with a friend. We caught a bunch of these.


Those are some really nice fish guys. I used to do a lot of fly fishing and there is nothing prettier than a trout or landlocked salmon on the end of your line. Since I bought a boat down by the ocean several years ago now all I do is saltwater. But I still love trout.
That's a fine speciman righ there.

Coincidently, my first fish of the year, (no photo op), was a smaller version of your beautiful Brown. Caught four last weekend, fly fishing, while camping near one of our only two stocked streams in Ohio.

Unfortunately, we in Ohio don't really have a "trout season".

We do have the big Steelis up North, but that's just not the same.

Nice storie!

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Hard to leave a boat sit in the driveway but the walking is probably better for me in the long run. We have had such an early spring this year that the boat hardly got put away. Usually I am walking the streams and doing a bit of mushroom hunting to boot. It warmed up way too fast for any kind of wild mushroom crop.

Our season never actually closes but the stocking program is seasonal. I try to hit the streams early in hopes of catching some of the holdovers that have been in the streams for a while. They taste better and fight better. They also get real good at avoiding most anglers. I usually find my better specimens in places the other fisherman either overlook or are unwilling to walk to.

When he first started taking line out, it didn't have the right "feel" and I thought maybe I had a carp on. Once I saw him and he continued to make long runs taking line each time, then I became worried he would wrap me up in the log jam he came out from when he attacked my spinner.

I wouldn't fish for them if they didn't make my heart race.


Nice fish. I really like the electrical tape reel seat. It looks like a lot of the gear I have.

Were still waiting on spring here in the NW.

My best,

Lovely fish chaps, just can't beat the feeling of a nice fish on light tackle. Well done to both of you.

Tight lines, strong knots. Paul.
My first chance to hit the rivers and streams will be on May 9. I am heading north for a week of wild brook trout fishing. It is always a good time and a chance to get off the beaten path. Prior to that I may try to spend an afternoon on a local river with the fly rod for steelhead.
First thing I noticed is that I am out of shape, guess that means I will have to walk a few more streams. No really, This winter was a fat and lazy winter and I need to shed a few pounds. Enough about me, you did not click on this thread to read about me, so here is a picture to view.

Actually I clicked on this thread for some more material for poking fun at you, so this was helpful.


PS, nice fish
Dave, if you would like to shed a couple of pounds, I could use some help in the bosque cutting firewood. Just a thought.
That is one beautiful fish. Congrats on your trout opener.
Paul, it looks way too cold for me up there. I know for a Canadian, that you live in the banana belt.
Good job Dave. Beautiful fish. I can't wait 'til the water levels are down on our rivers here for some of the same. Trip.
It is not an Atlantic Salmon although we do have them naturally occuring in Lake Ontario. It is in fact a lake run brown trout. The ones in the lake lack the vivid color of the stream fish. These fish live in the lake and only return to the rivers to spawn. They can get quite large and the one I am holding is considered relatively small.