Sometimes it is not about killing------

Al Hansen

Well-known member
You can't imagine how much fun I had. All of the geese were in a field that I could have hunted but opted not to. I actually wished that I had a different lens along because I was too close to them. 15 yards------Hope you enjoy the shots.



These next two shots will give you good examples of the snow goose verses the Ross' goose. Check out the frontal (beak and head of each) Snow is in front. Snow is much larger besides.



I enjoyed watching and listening to the snow geese calling as more came flying in.


The three Amigos!





Found another banded goose!






I was having fun and tried a soft focus and filtered black and white on this shot.


A good looking juvenile snow goose.







I agree its more than killing, so many sites to see when your sitting/waiting for the birds to fly. If I was in it for the kill, I'd have give up a long time ago. One season back in 2000 or 200 I hunted 30 days with taking only 1 duck. My girlfriend (current wife) was asking me why bother going out? I just NEEDED to be out on the water. She came with me one day, she read a book, I watch birds (very few that season) trade back and forth never fired the gun. From that day out in the field, she encourages me all the time to go "hunting". I'm sitting here now typing watching 100+ broadbill, ruddy and common mergs sitting in front.

Nice pictures, my wife took my camera again--- I think I need two.
Nice photos Al, I love your pics and stories and as a hunter it is never really "all" about the killing but we do enjoy harvesting our respective quarry. In the case of the Snows, since I have only hunted them once successfully in Manitoba. I am now on my way to you to try again..........hEHeHeHAhaha
These shots are awesome...the Ross' and snow goose combo shows a beautiful "in nature" comparison of the birds and probably belongs in a textbook. It would certainly make a great DNR "Know your birds" identification example.

Were you in a layout blind? Just interested in how you were able to shoot but stay hidden long enough to see these subjects line up for you.
Most of these birds just came up from staying the winter in Chihuahua, Mexico. They normally feed only on Bosque del Apache NWR or Bernardo State Wildlife Management Area which is 45 miles north. This huntable land that I was on is two blocks from the reserve and the landowner and I agreed upon something a couple of days ago------we would rather take pictures of these beautiful birds that are now getting fat as they can in preparation for their long journey northwards.
Scott, I walked across the highway, the railroad tracks, and then up to the fence line. The birds kept an eye on me the whole time until I just stood there and took pictures. They then commenced to eat winter wheat once again. The closest ones were 15 yards away. It was amazing.
Jack, It was good to hear that you were able to take your wife out and show her what captivates you about duck hunting. Congratulations. Some day post a pic of what you are looking at from your window. I would enjoy seeing that.
Jack, It was good to hear that you were able to take your wife out and show her what captivates you about duck hunting. Congratulations. Some day post a pic of what you are looking at from your window. I would enjoy seeing that.

I got up this morning and took this picture for you before I head to work, there are over 100 birds sitting in front. It's cloudy and drizzling today (I hope they stick around for a sunny day picture). These birds were about 200yds away (had to use the digital zoom), there are times when they float really close.


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I appreciate you taking the time to post this shot. Don't worry about the drizzle or cloudy conditions, it was fun to look at that many ducks. What a great vantage point you have. Thanks, Jack. What type of ducks are these--bluebills maybe?
Outstanding Al! I agree it isn't hard to take a picture of a dead duck on a tailgate. I prefer these kinds of picture waaaaayyyy more! Thanks for sharing.

Great shots Al...the one of the three Ross in perfect unison makes my heart jump!

A while back you posted a photo of some snows together but they were tilted to nearly sideways with their wings locked. I'm having a snow and blue mounted together and I have a few good references but I recall that shot in my mind...I'm pretty sure it was you. The idea is to have the birds banking hard against the wall with the wings straight. You have any shots like that?
Pretty much Gary....parallel to each other but I don't want them coming in or looking down...just like they are cruising.