Son's First Duck Hunt

Mark Harter

Active member
I got the ultimate enjoyment of the boat build by introducing my son Ian to duckhunting this past MLK day.
Background: I duckhunted a few times in my youth with my father on guided hunts at the mouth of the MS river marsh. It was 25 years since I went duck hunting with my Dad. A few years ago I was invited on a duck hunt and really enjoyed it. I have been an avid duck hunter since. I got interested in building a duckboat to take advantage of all the Duckhunting oppurtunities available in south LA. The boat building was really enjoyable.

The Hunt: On Monday we left home at 3:30 AM in the fog and drove 45 minutes to a spot in the Sherburne WMA that I had scouted. The drive along the dark foggy tree tunnel of a road to the boat launch was an adventure in itself. My son sat in front with the spot light and we made our way through a narrow pass of 300 yards of 3' wide opening in the cattails to an open cypress tree area in the swamp. Ducks came into the decoys beautifully. My son's first bird a hooded merganser was banded. He had a great time.
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I could not of hoped for a better outcome for his first hunt. The weather was great and we had plenty of birds to keep him excited.
Mark and Ian way to go!!!! Ian congrats on a fine hunt and banded bird,Dad fine job on the boats as well,all my best Brian Rippelmeyer
Wow----to shoot a banded bird on your first day of duck hunting! That is unbelievable. What a great selection of shots, Mark. I enjoyed your story that accompanied them. Al