Soule Era LL Bean Experts?

Jeff Reardon

Well-known member
I've got a buddy who is looking to sell some older (1970's?) Bean's decoys he's had since he was a kid. I know that some of these are worth what guys like me will pay for them as working decoys, and some are collectible.

Can anyone suggest a source to help him decide if these are worth more than a cheapskate like me would pay? I can get photos if that would be helpful.

One thing that makes me think at least a few of these may be rarer is that he has two divers that have keel weights, which I've never seen on Bean's decoys.
keel weights were add on
most are worth on high end 100 each in a good economy maybe higher if they are in great shape
What species?
What makes you think they are from the 70's? There are VERY small differences on different era Beans that help mark age.

Dales is a good place to poke around and see the differences in decoys. He's a nice guy and will help you, if you ask him.

From a value standpoint it's really hard without pictures. I would say 100/bird would be very generous unless they are new in box.
Thanks, guys. These are definitely well used, but with the exception of one broken bill are in good condition with original and decent paint. Tailboards are all intact.

There are a pair of mallards, a pair of blacks, and two divers (bluebills, I think, but I can't remember for sure).

I'll post pics if my friend send them my way.

I'm thinking 70's because my friend says he's had them "35 or 40 years" and he got them new.

The going rate here in Maine (where supply is probably higher than elsewhere ) is $20-50 per decoy depending on condition, but that's for usable decoys, not collectibles.

I'll send my friend Dale's contact info.
There was a BWT that sold on ebay for a crazy amount. I honestly want to say $370. I know that Tim Caplinger was watching that one as well.
Without seeing your decoys I'd say your price range of $20-$50 per bird is about right. I think somewhere in the middle around $30-$35 per bird, again depending on condition is a little closer to the mark. Greenheads, and Blackducks are pretty common to find. The Bluebills can be found pretty readily to if you are patient. I used to have a ton of Beans about 6 dozen, some were in great condition some not so much. I found a great deal on a dozen Bluebills....$200.00. I have long since scaled down my Beans. Just never enough room to store all the decoys I have/ want so every couple of years I cycle through them and add sell new/ old stock. Good luck and keep your eyes open. Ebay sometimes has good deals. Seems lately though people are asking ridiculous prices.

Jeff, are they Bean dekes or George Soule? I have a friend in Maine who has about 6 dozen Soule dekes....I was fortunate that he gave me one of them.
