Southern Wildlife Festival

Rick Pierce

Well-known member
Just a quick note to thank EVERYONE who helped, mailed in birds, sent money, or had anything to do with the show.

I am flying to Lexington this afternoon for business, and then am on my way to the Smoky Mountains for a vacation, but will take the laptop and memory cards to start getting pictures uploaded and posted.

Contemporary Gunners were Bob Nelson in BOS and 2nd BOS with a fantastic blue goose and white-front, respectively, and Jason Russell in 3rd BOS with a nice tucked-head redhead. Entries were down in Contemporary and in Gunning Rigs this year.

Scott Russell (Jason's brother) took BOS in Gunning singles with a ruddy duck hen, Jim Romig took 2nd BOS with a pintail I tried several times to steal, and Mark Costilow took 3rd BOS with an immature loon that was fantastic.

Gunning Rigs saw Scott Russell again taking BOS with his canvasback rig, Mark Costilow in 2nd BOS with a mallard rig, and Jon Espey in 3rd BOS with a coot (freshwater) rig.

There were several surprises this year...we had NO sea ducks in any category, and very few coot/confidence, though the geese were well represented in singles.

The show did fall somewhat short in the money category - we actually had one more gunning single entered this year than last, but only about half the rigs, and maybe 1/2 to 2/3 the contemporary gunning decoys as last year.

Jon Espey set a new fashion trend, I managed to float my hat while moving gunning singles around in the harbor with Jason, and there was much laughter all the way around, during and after the show. We missed Eric Patterson - hope everything is okay...

I will post more later. Thanks again for all of the support!

Rick Pierce
... though the geese were well represented in singles.

Rick Pierce

Well that's just my dumb luck...Ha! I'll have to work on some smaller decoys next summer...then I might be able to afford the shipping for a 3 bird rig.

You didn't really say, but I hope overall the show went okay.

Good time at the show catching up with several folks that I hadn't seen in a while.

Y'all need to get busy carving for next year's show. I always seem to get inspired going to shows. Rick's oil on wood cans were awesome - they just oozed that classic Canvasback decoy look to me. I'd love to see them in about 40 years. Congrats also to Scott Russell for his well deserved wins.

Hey Sutton - I'm absolutely sure that there are going to be some pictures posted here that you will have a field day with...
Chuck, your canvas goose was fantastic, and I was glad you sent it. I almost tried to figure out how to email you and see what it would take to talk you out of it.

You were up against Mark Costilow with a cackler and full-size Canada, Jason Russell with a pair of white-fronts and a preening Canada, and I think that's about it.

Plus Mark Costilow's loon, Brian Story's brant, etc.

Hint: Think sea ducks...we had NONE this year. We usually have a scoter, eider, harlie, or something...NADA. Either that, or a full-blown swan. Now that...that would kick some major tail.

The show had maybe 1/3 less decoys than last year, and I think financially we wound up about $600 in the hole. We usually just break even, so we were pretty disappointed, but we are really going to get the word out.

Several of us "Malarky Boys" stood around and we would like all of the Malarky crew to commit to come up with at least one rig and at least one pair for the 2009 show. Many of our own bunch had a rough year - work, kids, etc. - and weren't able to finish birds, or brought in just a few.
Chuck, your canvas goose was fantastic, and I was glad you sent it. I almost tried to figure out how to email you and see what it would take to talk you out of it.

You were up against Mark Costilow with a cackler and full-size Canada, Jason Russell with a pair of white-fronts and a preening Canada, and I think that's about it.

Plus Mark Costilow's loon, Brian Story's brant, etc.
Yeah, that is some stiff competition. As I told you before, I didn't do it for the show, it was just the pick of the litter I was making for my own rig. I wish I'd know you would be interested, when they told me what it would cost to ship it both ways, I was thinking of abandoning it...does Alabama have a 'safe haven' law for wayward decoys? If you are interested in a trade...I'm ears. How did it handle the chop in the harbor? I added A LOT of lead to try and get rid of the bouncy butt, but I don't know if I got enough for that chop. Best Chuck
I, also, want to thank everyone who contributed to our show this year. Particularly so for Rick and Laura Pierce and Jason Russell and my wife, Tina.
It's true that our show was a bit smaller, probably an effect of the shrinking economy, but I'd prefer to concentrate on the positives. The quality of the entries was awesome. Every year we say to each other that the decoys are getting better and better. We can only say that because they are. I had the pleasure of judging decoys this year and we were really tested to come up with just one 'best'.
This is our third show and I hope we can continue to have the show improve each year as I think it did this year.
Perhaps our budget shortfall in this year's show is due to our approach to the show and funding it. We're not trying to make any money for any club's operation or anything. We based the prizes on an expected number of entries and returning 100% of the entry money as prizes. Our estimates didn't take into account a downturning economy and we fell a bit short this year. If we get plenty of entries next year, we'll break even. Suffice it to say that we're in it for the long run, we'll learn from this year's show just as we have from all of the previous shows, and make adjustments aimed at keeping the show running so that we can get carver's to come together (in person, preferrrably, but at least their decoys by mail), compete, and show off their work. I'd encourage everyone who reads this to come and join us and have some fun, or at least to send a decoy or two. We're a simple show with one simple goal. To showcase everyone's work, get together, and enjoy our mutual interest in carving.
Thanks Jason. I thought I had it decently balanced in the tub, but when I heard of the wind and chop...I started to wonder.

It rode fine as I remember, Chuck.
If I remember, it got gigged for bing a bit on the shiny side. It was a real southern bluebird day, except for the wind.
Also, since we come here from the four winds, if we can do it and you don't need it back too quick, your deke might be able to hitch a ride home in somebody's car (especially if there's a hunt in it). Might save shipping costs. Never hurts to ask.
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Now that is funny, especially if you have been following the thread about topcoats. I guess I forgot to wash it with muddy water before I boxed it up.