SportDog training collar problems.

Yukon Mike

Well-known member
I know these things aren't meant to last forever, but I've sure had a lot of trouble over the years with mine. I sent it back eventually, they sent it back to me, but it just won't hold a charge or function worth a darn. I still need a working collar though.

Are there any decent collars out there in same price range as the 425 model? Best I can get it for looks like $210 plus shipping from Cabelas Canada.

Are those Sportdog collars usually more dependable or do they have a reputation of being kinda crappy?

I always go to my dad for questions like this. He's been training and running dogs in retriever trials for decades. When I got Bailey, he passed on his older tritronics collar and that worked great for several years. I didn't like the larger controller, so when the battery did finally give out, I got a Dogtra based on his recommendations and it has been outstanding. At that point in time, those were the two brands that most of the people that train regularly were using.

You might look at as there are hundreds of people there that train dogs daily. They probably have discussions on current models.


I have a Sportdog that I have had for 6 years. No problems and holds a charge well. Did you condition the batteries properly? When I take any rechargable battery operated item out of the box. I drain it first, charge fully over night, turn unit on and discharge fully then charge again from a completely dead state.
This process seems to work for me. Some of the older Ni-cad batteries will retain memory if they are not fully discharged before putting a full charge on them.

Good luck

I have a Sportdog that I have had for 6 years. No problems and holds a charge well. Did you condition the batteries properly? When I take any rechargable battery operated item out of the box. I drain it first, charge fully over night, turn unit on and discharge fully then charge again from a completely dead state.
This process seems to work for me. Some of the older Ni-cad batteries will retain memory if they are not fully discharged before putting a full charge on them.

Good luck

Good advice John, I was looking on the Sportdog website at their troubleshooting page and it sounds like my receiver battery isn't charging anymore. I'm going to call those guys tomorrow and see what they think. I already sent this unit back to them once.