Springer Spaniel needs a good home

John L

Well-known member
My friend Charlie is looking for a home for a Springer Spaniel who is currently living with him.
He is a very affectionate fun loving dog His name is Murphy. He is 1 year & 3 months old he was given to Charlie by his owner & Charlie has taken him in but he has another dog who is becoming very sad having Murphy around & Charlie is looking for a new home for him.
The dog is well trained and house broken
If you are interested please PM me back. If not Please forward to anyone you may know that might be interested.....
Sorry to say the dog has no hunting experience but is living in a house on a canal on Long Island.
Thank you.


Murphy looks more like a Boykin or an American water spaniel.Nice looking dog regardless.Hope someone want's him.
Gusy your not alone. I thought Boykin or American Water also but the dog has papers and I'm told he is 100% Springer. He has not been neutered and does not have any field / hunting experience or training so at this point he is just a house pet.
Thats gotta be a puppy picture, or else thats one tiny springer.
Sure is cute though.
I am thinking it over.


I have not seen the dog but I agree with you about it looking small. I have also never seen a Springer that did not have brown and white coloring. That could just be me not knowing the breed well enough but he says he has papers on the dog and his uncle got it from a breeder. Charlie works with me and I was talking to him about the dog to get the full story. He got it from his uncle who for personel reasons could not take care of the dog any longer. They really wanted to keep the dog but their older dog is not liking the company too much. The pup just has to much energy for the other older female dog and wants to keep mounting her. Thats basicly why they need to find it a new home. They live in Babylon if you would like to check it out. PM me and I'll get you his contact info.
I can not argue the fact that this dog might be papered. But being a spaniel guy I can tell you this dog is so completely wrong as a ESS. The color is 100% wrong for show or field breeding. The coat is also completely wrong, the legs being the most incorrect. Show spaniels will have much fuller coats then field dogs but that coat is still way to heavy.

I really don't think it could be a English cocker spaniel as well. The English cocker is still a real field dog and this dog would be a nightmare with that coat and eye set.

Looks more like a American cocker spaniel, solid black is a standard show color. The American is also NOT really a field dog anymore and can show this level of coat.

There is just no way that dog is pure ESS regardless of what the papers say. And it will be a long shot for a proper field prospect. Needs a good pet home. Oh, and needs to be neutered asap.

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Murphy was picked up late last night by the first couple that came to see him. A friend of a friend.

Thank you guys for all the info.
We just wanted to find him a good home.
Would have been nice if he got to hunt but a good home was the most important factor
I have had long haired dogs before also. It is alot of work. I had a jet black Cocker Spaniel when I was a kid and 2 Irish Setters. My last dog was my best Irish Setter. She was great, did a good job on the upland game and also did good as a waterfowl retriever. I used to take her out the the salt marsh islands and let her point ducks and do some jump shooting. She just could not handle the extreme cold in the late season but wanted to go anyway. I could not leave her home or she would sit by the front door and cry until I returned home. Boy, I miss that dog. I ran into a guy at the ramp earlier in the season and he asked if I still hunted her. I almost had tears in my eyes telling him how I had to put her down almost 3 years ago. Seems like only a few days ago. I can't believe Mocha is already 3 years old. Their time goes by too quickly, got to make the best of it.
John,I'm glad you got Murphy settled in a good home.Who knows ,he could turn out to be one hell of a retriever.I still doubt he is a Springer ,American or English.Never know unless the breeder is investigated.