st. clair river smorgasbord

george wilson

Active member
i am fortunate to have a friend who has a cabin on stag island in the middle of the st clair river -- when the inland freezes - everything comes to the river -- you never know what will show up to shoot

today for example the group got 4 drake mallards, one drake black duck, a hen and drake hooded merganser, two drake goldeneye's, seven buffies, one ruddy and one redhead

we hunted sun-up until 11:00am

only had one guy trip and fall in the river (although wednesday it was icey at the ramp and the guy throwing salt slipped-fell on his ars and slid down the ramp into the river - and i only laughed for about 20 minutes!)

it was a little cold and icey, only the type of day a duck hunter would think was great, frozen PB&J is always good on a day like this, especially with a little hot tea, and a little drambuie after the hunt

with the holidays coming probably won't get out too many more times -- especially if it snows heavy, or gets icey, for the ramp gets unsafe to launch from

going to go to arkansas in january and looking forward to warm 30* days and some fun hunting
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How close to Fighting Island is your island? I hunted Fighting Island about 10 years ago. I think the island is owned by BASF and is in Canadian waters. We left from the Wyndot Marina. We passed quite a few guys hunting over diver rigs in the river. I would trade a pheasant hunt for a diver hunt any day! Good luck in Arkansas. My son would love a flooded timber hunt someday.

stag island is canadian -- lies across form marysville, mi and curonna onterio

its nice now because all the residents leave at the end of summer and we haave the whole north end of the island to ourselves and nobody to bother or bother us

the colder it gets the better it gets -- its just being able to get a boat out to access the island

diver hunt for pheasant hunt? -- i'll have to keep that in mind for the future

nice part about canada is its a six duck limit - not 1 of these, 1 of those, and two of these kind of restrictions like in michigan -- the other side of the imaginary line in the river between the two shorelines

too bad michigan and onterio cant coordinate limits on fish and ducks
I fish up there but never worried about Canadian Boarder, Have fishing lic for both. Do you launch from the us side? I have not done any of Candanian hunting due to the boarder crossing with firearms.