
Scott Gentry

Active member
i could use any advice im trying too camo my boat and cannot get the stencil kit too lay down correctly over the reinforcing ribs on the side of my boat the harder i work at it the worse off it looks any help apreciated thanks
Personally I like to just freehand them. But if you really want to stencil it...One thought would be to cut stencils out of something like egg crate foam that would contour to your boat more easily. Soft foam is easily cut with an electric knife. Good luck and post pics please!


I recently used stencils on an 18' boat blind. I would suggest using the blue painters tape to tape not only the edges of the stencil, but also double it over and use it in the middle of the stencil to hold it to the boat. It takes longer, but you'll get a much cleaner image. My other suggestion is to make sure to have plenty of paint. I ran out half way through and had to wait a week while it was shipped to me. Take your time and you'll get a good product.

Here are the before, and after pics. I was very pleased with how it turned out.

Good Luck,


Can you put the edge of the stencil right at the rib? Or how about taping the stencil in place with enough slack to lay down around the rib, (but it won't). Then using a piece of cardboard to hold the stencil down above the rib and then repeating below it. The cardboard would allow you to paint the top separately from the bottom, since you can only hold one side flush at once.
thanks for the advice right now im painting over my mistekes and i think in part coler selection is the reason im so disapointed ill try and post pics soon
There is an easy way.
You can get a can of spray adhesive that's removable/repositionable. Spray the backside of the stencil and let it set up (you use it like contact adhesive, but it's much less permanent).
Then everything will stick, not just the periphery. It does a terrific job. Depending on who made your stencils, it's in teh instructions (where to buy the adhesive, I mean). I think I got something similar at Office Depot or something like that.