Strongsville who plans on going

I plan on going to the show. They always do a great job putting on a wonderful show.
Looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting some new one's.
See you there!!!

We'll be there Friday noonish or so. Depends on the weather. I won't have a table in the ballroom, but you can stop me if you have any questions on Branding Irons.
Will arrive Friday afternoon, the wife and I. I generally dress like a cowboy on Sunday, no hat though, ( only decent close I have ), but if you notice us say hi,

1 day 16 hours and 25 mins..

I'll be there for my first time along with Carl, Steve, Doc Jim, Kenley, and Nate. Can't wait!!
Gonna be ducky weather. Bring your ponchos!

I'll be getting there sometime Saturday and staying the night with the wife and two brats, I mean children...
I'll be visible... I'll be wearing Virginia Tech Orange t-shirt or sweatshirt. Please stop me and introduce yourselves... anxious to meet some new DBHF members.
I'll probably be wearing a dark blue ODCCA sweatshirt, for sure a camo Cabela's cap.

Note to self for next year. Maybe make up some caps, get Eric's T-shirts going so we can recognize each other.

I know there will be a LOT of DHBP members there, however after spending every weekend there over the last ten or so years, I've only met a handful.

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Jon, as much as I hate to admit it, you have a point....I'm not sure what I'll be wearing, but I'll have two poorly behaved children in tow.

Actually, I'll probably be wearing a dark blue vest with that has a small ACRT logo on the chest.