Student Suspened for Drill Team Practice Rifle..NDR


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Guys and gals here's a read for you. My son is in the Manassas Young Marine program with plans on entering the Corp next year when ge graduates HS. Read below why this Female YM was suspended from school :

DENVER -- For Marie Morrow, the equipment left in the back seat of her car was for an upcoming competition. She said she never expected it would lead to her being suspended from school -- or possibly expelled.

"I take responsibility, it was my mistake," Morrow told 7NEWS. She left three drill team "practice" rifles in plain view of passing students last week.

Morrow, who says she has a 3.5 grade point average, is a member of the Douglas County Young Marines. She said she spins the practice rifles for the organization’s drill team.

Staff members at Cherokee Trail High School were alerted by concerned students who thought they might be real, said a Cherry Creek Schools spokeswoman.

"They went inside. They were anxious. They were frightened," school district spokeswoman Tustin Amole said.

The mock rifles are made of wood, with duct tape, to resemble a real rifle.

Amole explained the school district’s policy mirrors state and federal laws about weapons in schools, and calls for "mandatory expulsion" when possessing a dangerous weapon in any school building.

A student conduct handbook states a dangerous weapon includes "a firearm, whether loaded or unloaded, or a firearm facsimile that could reasonably be mistaken for an actual firearm."

"You have to remember these laws were implemented in the years after Columbine," Amole said, and added the school was left with no choice.

"We follow the state law," Amole said.

"I understand exactly why the policy is there," Morrow said on the east steps of the state capitol Monday.

Chris Proctor, commanding officer of the Douglas County Young Marines, praised Morrow's commitment to the program and school.

"For her to have to go through this is completely insane," Proctor said.

The Young Marine Organization is the official youth program of the U.S. Marine Corps and focused on drug reduction and leadership, Proctor explained.

Morrow, dressed in her drill team uniform, visited the capitol to visit with lawmakers about the possibility of changing the state statute relating to weapons in schools.

"It should be up to the discretion of the school board to say, 'OK, there's no intent, it was just a mistake,'" Morrow said with her mom, brother, and friends looking on.

Morrow, who plans to attend the United States Merchant Marine Academy, met briefly with and gained support from several legislators on the hill.

Sen. Scott Renfroe, (R-Weld County,) said the 17-year-old was the topic of discussion among fellow senators.

"We need to look at this and add some common sense to our statute," Renfroe said.

Reps. Cindy Acree, (R-Aurora,) and Frank McNulty, (R-Highlands Ranch,) held an impromptu meeting with Morrow and her family inside the capitol.

Acree told 7NEWS she doesn't fault the school district for enforcing state laws.

"We just have to make sure it's not overbearing for our administrators and students, so they can still be kids," Acree said.

She explained she may seek to amend the state statute with a late bill during the current legislative session.

Acree added she is also writing a letter to colleagues "so we can support (Marie) before she goes to her hearing."

Amole said an expulsion hearing will be held within 10 days of a student suspension. An expulsion officer will make a recommendation to the superintendent, who will rule on the length of expulsion.

Morrow said she her expulsion hearing is Feb. 20.

"I'm just hoping I can go back to school and graduate with my class and take my AP tests and all that," she said.
Man have we ever thrown the baby out with the bath water. Let us hope common sense will prevail in the "sore back" state.
When I was in high school there was frequently a shotgun or 22 in the trunk of my car so that I could go hunting after school hours, and though freqently pissed off with teachers, I never shot one. This was a school that was only 10 miles from the Virginia line, and I know many of the guys from southeatern Va. did the same as I did. My son was color guard commander of his Jr. ROTC unit in high school and freqently had his unit's 03A3's in the back seat with no problems.

Let's hope and pray this kind of craziness ends before long. Also let us all send a copy of this to our state legislators along with our unhappiness that this kind of nazi terrorism is encouraged by local school boards.
Wonder if the NRA has been alerted about this and if they have had any kind of response?

I feel your pain,

And absolutely NOTHING that worked in your epoch works in todays.....My wife is a teacher and has to deal with this stuff everyday.....essentially it comes down to the fact that you are correct that the rules are an overeaction, (albeit not intentionally), and they are, without doubt known to a certainty by the students...a fact borne out by the fact that this person states she knew it was arule infraction and that she broke that rule....

My opinion, and go ahead and hate me for it, and everyone else feel free to pile on, High School kids are adults and they should be held to the same standards as adults when it comes to abiding by the rules....this girl was a ROTC stated she knew the rules...(and having known a whole bunch of ROTC students over the years I kow they are fanatics for rules and their application--and rightfully so since once in the military you don't get "do overs" for rules infractions), and she broke them....she knew the consequences.....and she should suffer them......

Cahnge the rules....allow "pretend guns" in plain site in students cars and I GAURUNTEE YOU that the next one will be a REAL gun with the firing pin missing and the "kid" will whine that "I knew the rules but it wasn't a REAL gun".....

Life's tough...its tougher when your stupid....or when you knowingly ignore the rules that you state that you knew.....

My .02 and I'm sure at odds with most peoples here....

Well I will agree with you Steve that if the rules are known then they should be followed. I am not one for disobedience when it comes to gun laws... at least not right now. She knew what could happen and will have to deal with it. Now there is nothing stopping people from trying to get this changed for the future but for now it is the law of the land.
No law will ever stop someone from going into a school and shooting someone. There is proof of that with every shooting from the past decade or more.

With this "essentially it comes down to the fact that you are correct that the rules are an overeaction, (albeit not intentionally)" I would disagree whole heartedly. Everthing about it is intentional. We have raised a generation of kids scared of guns. Just like we have raised a couple generations who have no idea where their food comes from. I see a lot of intention in this and I am not one to see conspiracies. I see a lot more of this in the next few years not less.
Parents have been replaced with fear mongering at school. Respect is a foreign concept to many kids, their parents are their friends. Schools and government can't solve that problem but at some high levels they seem to enjoy trying.

My $.02
High School...has been for over 25 years....I'm a gun is fact she's a hell of pistol shooter....that said "I'M AFRAID OF GUNS AT SCHOOL" and while I'd agree that no law will keep someone from coming onto campus and shooting MY WIFE--screw the kids and the faculty I'm a selfish son of a bitch and what I care about is my wife--that doesn't change the fact that there shouldn't be laws, toughly written laws that have dire consequences for those that ignore, or worse flaunt them, to keep them out of schools. And if those are perceived as "the first domino towards total gun control" by the conspiracy theorist or the people that see any restrictions on guns as a violation of their Second Amendment rights then I guess that puts me in the anti-gun camp as applies to GUNS IN SCHOOL.........

Think about that....I own some thirty long guns, including two or three that qualify as "assault rifles" or WTSHTF a whole bunch of pistols.....there's enough ammo in this house to start a young, and very healthy war......Debby has shot most of them and enjoys it.....she's not afraid of guns in the house, in the woods or in any situation where they "BELONG".....she is afraid of them, and so am I, in places where they don't belong, LIKE SCHOOLS.....

For the record she teaches in one of the best schools, as far as neighborhood go, on the Eastside of the an area that is considered "upper middle class" and that has no gang issues.....even so there isn't a 6 week grading period that goes by where some jack off kid doesn't show up with a REAL or FAKE gun at school, with no intention of hosing the population, but rather just to show off, or because he's stupid, or he wants to scare someone......

That scares fact THAT SCARES THE SHIT OUT OF ME...and I'm not even in that it lack of respect for the law, for their parents, for the Educational Institution, call it whatever you want....if its not a LAW and if it doesn't carry IRON CLAD, NO EXCEPTIONS, PENALTIES, the idiots that pull that crap will get off.....

And if their parents are wealthy enough they'll whine to their local Politician to intercede for their poor little baby who just made a mistake and they will get off.....and as soon as they do every little miscreant knows that "they'll get off too" AGAIN I'm gonna call BULLSHIT......BRING A GUN TO SCHOOL, even a fake one, even a fake one that doesn't look all that real, and your ass SHOULD be expelled...and if a politician attempts to intercede on your dumbass behalf then you can bet I won't be voting for him in the next election.....

For this girl specifically I assume she'll be entering the military soon....I wonder if, when she's in boot camp and told, "you're weapon stays HERE when you aren't carrying it", and she "forgets" and leaves it somewhere that its not supposed to be if her Parents and her Congressmen, and all the bleeding heart Gun nuts that thinks shes getting a raw deal when they boot her ass into whatever hell the military reserves for idiots that break the rules, will jump to her defense and complain ....NOT FAIR SHE DESERVES A DO OVER BECAUSE SHE's YOUNG AND AFTER ALL NO ONE WAS HURT....

I guess thats another .02 from me......felt like more....probably will be seen by most as less....

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Here is a site called Armed Educator, just for thought.
Came across it the other day and was reading a bit before going on.
Steve, you or your wife will get no flack from me. I believe in carry laws and have a legal permit, but school is such a hormone and emotion filled place for teenagers I cant imagine mixing guns into it. Even though I had my bird dog and gun in the car in the fall so we could hunt after the class day. Our PE teacher would let us walk and water the dogs if we kept the hunting reports up to date for his saturday trip.

Times are sure not the same. I just wish some adults would get as worked up over the "Kill um all VID, Games and movies", they feed their kids as they do about law abiding folks owning guns.
Hey Steve, My wife is also in the school system.(Principals secretary). There is not a day that goes by where their isn't some sort of "Incident" And I always worry about her safety. I cannot believe the mere slap on the wrist that some of these students receive. Especially the preferred treatment of some of the "ethnic groups" so as not to ruffle to many feathers and be labeled a racist. Makes me sick..........Example.... Little Tyrone brings in an unloaded 380 to school, the security guard sees a commotion in the hall and investigates. He suspects that little Tyrone has something hidden in his jacket and finds the unloaded gun. Parents biggest problem with the entire episode is.. Little T was searched because he is Black. Makes me want to puke..........................
Steve, I agree with your opinion. The girl knew what she was doing was wrong and should be held accountable. That being said,I'd agree with the school board showing her some consideration because she's a model student. A day suspension would probably be appropriate. If the same mistake was made by a student that wasn't exactly as squeaky clean as the young girl, would everyone be piping up to help that student out. A sad part of our society has become people who will not accept responsibility for their actions. That girl above all the rest, being a young marine and such a smart student should know better and be an example to the others at her school. I say let her take her medicine. Sad part is, this probably could've been avoided, I'd say it all took place due to her laziness. Next time pull over somewhere and lock'em in the trunck!!!
you agree she was wrong, you say that it was likely the results of her being lazy, you state she should "be accountable", but then you say she's due SPECIAL CONSIDERATION because she's a good student......Well....uuuuuhhhhh NO SHE'S NOT....she broke a rule that she was aware of...and that should come with the full consequence of the action and not be temepred by her "goodness".....

You bring up an interesting point when you say..."would a student of "lesser" quality be rallied around".....let me ask you this....lets say the person that had the "fake" gun in their car was a "special ed" kid...someone who had an HONEST TO GOD justification for "forgetting" or for "thinking that since it was fake that it wasn't breaking the rules, (both by the way actual situations at my wifes school), and lets say this student has, oh....a 1.0 say the girl should "get a break-one day-because she's a good student" what do you give the Special Ed student?....does the girl get a break because she's such a good student and the Special Ed kid doesn't cause he isn't......

Not in my World....I hold the SMART KIDS to an even higher standard than I do the "less smart" in the scenarios above I'd throw the girl under the bus and I'd take into consideration the mental capacity of the "less smart" one when I made the decision....I'd think about it, and I'd agonize over it, and then I'd throw him under the bus with the girl cause no matter who you are there are rules that should be neither broken, or subjugated, as far as I'm concerned......

SMART shouldn't result in "special priveledges" when the offense is due to "I wasn't thinking".....

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I wasn't very clear in my first post, I am not for kids bringing guns into school. I am against these all out bans on whatever is the crisis of the month. I'd feel much safer for my family and friends that work or are in school now if law abiding adult staff could carry concealed. Laws mostly punish people after the fact, the threat of a defense has always been better at stopping a crime.
Unless a school has armed guards, a metal detector and some way to close doors to stop kids from getting any further if they have a gun I don't see a reason guns don't have a place on responsible adults.

btw I do once again agree with you that laws should be iron clad, but that doesn't mean they have to be far reaching and useless.

King County Police Deputy on duty.....they don't have metal detectors but they do have a lock down system that I've seen work better than the plan that the genuises with the sewn on badges at the airport that are protecting us from terrorist have in place to protect, at least in Seattle, 2/3rds of what you would like to see is in place.....

Would I like to see something else...something like teachers carrying? YEAH but I'd qualify that too....wouldn't be any of this pay $300.00, sit through a 3 hour glass, never fire a weapon and then strap on some arn to protect the villagers like most of the concelaed carry permits are issued on.....take a special human being to be good enough with a pistol to calmly kill a child in a melee.....frankly I've never met a Teacher, and I've met several hundred bus loads of them over the years and know "maybe one" that I'd want armed in a situation like you refer to me, in this World, teachers carrying simply aren't the answer.....

Iron clad you bring a gun to school and you ain't never comig back to this school aren't perfect but IMO, based on real life interaction with teachers, rich priveledged arrogant entitled kids, poor kids, special needs kids, neurotic teachers, and parents that run the gamut from "I'm rich and you will be sorry if you don't do what I say", to, meth head, crack whore, child molesters who would roll you for the Tavist-D in your pocket, I'm on the side of ALL OR NOTHING rules on stuff like this....

Start trying to decide...well you can't have this, but you can have that, and all of the sudden all you've got is the grayest of gray cans of worms....Better, IMO, on things like this for it to be BLACK and WHITE and no if's, and's or butt's.....this is the rule...break it and you're gone.....

Do I wish it wasn't that way....yeah, of course I do, but until the parents of the youth of this country decide that its their responsiblilty to teach their kids wahts right, whats wrong, and that they don't have "breaks coming" because of some quality, (good or bad), then there will be no one to do it but the local, state and Federal Governments......

Even though it looks like we have a lot of agreement I believe we have a fundamental difference in our thoughts on who and why someone should be armed. Probably best to stop there because I doubt we would change each others minds, although I did enjoy the discussion.

on anything that was discused.....

Its clear that in this case you see me as "anti gun" and I see you as one of the "gun nuts" that thinks any rule concerning guns is a violation of your 2nd Amendment Rights.....

I do agree though that nothing either of us says will sway the other....cause clearly we both think our side is the most righteous.....

Hopefully many Prayers will be sent heavenward on the poor downtrodden, and misunderstood, girls behalf...that the Senate will convene a special meeting to insure that her rights supercedes the laws as they currently exists and that she not only prevails but becomes a hero of the gun lobby.....perhaps next President of NRA even since her expulsion for breaking the rules, of not only the school but her Young Marines group, is so heinous....

(tongue in cheek on the above if it wasn't obvious)....

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I am going to have to disagree with you Steve. Guns made out of wood and duct tape pose no threat to anyone. She broke a rule - happens to everyone of us every day. I'll bring up the one that rule followers always hate - you ever speed? Roll through a stop sign? I bet there are laws out there that are broken everyday that people don't even know about.

Kind of like the new anti smoking laws that are just silly. The town I live in now wants to make it illegal to smoke anywhere in a public park and within 500 feet of a public park. WTF? I thought all these clean indoor air BS acts were menat to protect the health of people. State of MN now wants to make it illegal to smoke in your car if you have a kid in it. What classifies as having a kid in your car? Does the residual smell of smoke in your car cause a health hazard preventing you from driving you kid in it ever even if you don't smoke in the car when the kid is in the car? I hate these stupid ass laws that do nothing but add layers of government to our lives. Just for the record, I don't smoke.

You say the rule breaker is an adult and should act like one and accept the consequences. I don't see anywhere in the article where she isn't acting like one. She is going to the hearing to try to change a stupid ass rule and not get suspended. How will a suspension look on her record when applying to other schools or when trying to get a job? I see a whole bunch of adults acting like children by trying to press this issue to the fullest.

And regarding the special needs kid, he would be cut way more slack than the smart kid. They would get the old "they don't know any better" BS attached to them and would be allowed special consideration. There are always 1000 excuses for people to get out of stuff.

For what it is worth.

Mark W
Wow, when I posted this yesterday it was an interest piece, didn't mean to raise hairs. My son is a Young Marine and happends to be on the drill team. I was suprised by this because we drill a a local county school and of course our little wooden guns are part of the drill. I suppose we're breaking some sort of law if you look at it. The gun is nothing more then a piece of "White" wood with a 4inch crome tube screwed to the end, no chamber, barrel. Does it represent a gun...yes. Common sense would say it poses no harm lock it in the trunk. But I believe the concerns of both Charlie and Steve. Hey in todays day and age if my wife or I worked in the school system I'd grow eyes in the back of my head. But then again another thought came to mind, not only is my son a Young Marine, he's in the schools Army ROTC program. Last year he and I had a knock down drag out fight and I came out the victor. The fight was the fact that even though he was on the rifle team, the actions of the instructor, and other students did not sit well with me as far as safety. The instructor would point the muzzle every direction except down range. Students followed suit, pointing guns everywhere, jackassing around. I pulled my son. I am and he will be responsible for our actions. Other parents didn't feel the same. I kept getting this feeling someone is going to take a round by accident. I brought my concerns to the school and was told that the instructor was certified and was a military vet. Fellas let me add I spent 21 years in the military and I'm certified on weapons and demolitions, but in 21 years I've met a million vets I wouldn't trust with a wiffleball bat (no offense). All in all it was this young ladies responsibility to know the rules, she's of the age to know better. She will represent herself and come out the victor I believe but she should not have put herself in this position. I have enjoyed your comments
Well, surprisingly I agree with Steve on this to a point. This post has become a little long winded partly because Steve really likes to impress his point on people. However, rules are rules that must be followed especially in a situation like this where guns and school do not mix. She new the rules, she broke them, and she must be penalized. Hopefully the administration will not be too harsh on her, after all there were no bad intentions here. Liberals will have her hanged if they get the chance................Lets hope that does'nt happen.........................Kevin
Wow, when I posted this yesterday it was an interest piece, didn't mean to raise hairs.

Nothing but a friendly discussion. Believe me if it was anything but that my posts would have been 4 times as long and he would have called me something worse then a 'gun nut'. :) If you can't disagree with some civility you shouldn't get in such a conversation. One thing this site has taught me is that even if I know I'm right the other person may mistakenly think they are too and I should respect that. [:p]

As a fellow gun Nut, I will add that I agree with Steve that few of any well trained group could handle the stress induced situation of an armed student and look like a good decision was made, let alone a Quickie qualified permit holder with a new revolver.
But I firmly believe in the concept of carrying to use only in the gravest extreme when that murder is trying to kill you if you so choose.
I have to agree that the rules must, and I emphasize the word MUST, be followed. If rules and laws are not followed, then why have them. Certainly they fail in their purpose. Societies have rules so that we can enjoy life and schools should be one of the places young people learn this so that they can be productive members of society.

Before going on, a little background. I spent 30 years in the Army and 14 years as a teacher. I do have some concerns about this incident, not just with the school in question, but schools in general. I still substitute for certain teachers. It pays for my hunting and fishing. Each year I get a school handbook that lays out the rules established by the school board, and each year I watch rules established by elected officials ignored, or not enforced, depending on who the
student is. I am sure that most of you, who have children in school, have seen the "no bullying," signs in schools, if you haven't they have a list of what constitutes bullying. I wish I had a dollar for every time I bring up a case of bullying with an administrator and am told it's not all that bad, or what I think it is. I like to refer to them as refrigerator administrators. They took the job because the extra pay would allow them to buy a new refrigerator, they just don't want a problem with anyone.

This brings up my concerns about this school and school district. Just how well do they enforce all the other rules. If they do enforce every rules evenly across the board, and my experience would lead me to believe they do not, then she must go, but if they are anything like my community and they do not, then she would be foolish not to seek an exception. Its not just schools, it's common in all of our society. Again, the rule/law must be followed, certainly the Marine Corps would not have waived the regulations for this type of incident.

PS, Steve I believe you would be the individual that I would send a check to to support the site, would you PM me an address to send a check to. Thanks, R.Bell