Sunday Pics---

Al Hansen

Well-known member
The day began with me taking a peek outside and then making a dash for the camera. Right in the middle of this shot in front of the mountain range, at ground level is the Trinity Site. It is 35 airmiles from our home. They detonated that atomic bomb in July of 1945. This is the north end of White Sands Missile Base. I have a friend, who was 12 years old when that bomb blew up. His dad's ranch was the closest one to the blast in which the scientists deemed it not necessary to remove them from the area. George told me that they were 10 to 12 miles away and to the northeast of the site. Afterwards, they all knew that they should have been evacuated.


I looked at the pond and knew that I needed to add some water. It was then that I let out Chaco, Cayenne, Pepper, and Salsa so that they could run and just have some free time outside of the kennel confines.

This is Pepper.


Cayenne, our chocolate female is 2 years old. We are looking forward to the time when she will have a litter with Chaco being the sire.




The last shot is of Chaco. He's quite the guy!


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Al your pics never disappoint... you give me hope for retirement!

only.... 28 more years to go! lol

Rob, I sure appreciated the nice comment. Thank you. By the way, I know it sounds nuts, however, this time between now and your retirement has a way of slipping by you faster than you can imagine. Be ready for it.