Tampa Bay Scaup


Staff member
Driving home from work along Bayshore Drive, i was blessed with the sight of a raft of what i assume to be scaup about a quarter mile long. And a cloud of then dropping from on high all alythe raft. Quite a scene im guessing there were easily 1,000 birds

My daughter lives in Tampa and I have seen the rafts of divers along Bayshore as well. Still waiting for the divers to show up in southern Michigan.

Thanks for the scouting report.

Carl, I went out to the light house at St. Marks and saw some nice rafts of redheads and a good couple handfuls of teal, as well as my flamingo...he is back. The teal were hanging with the flamingo.
Dani said:
Carl, I went out to the light house at St. Marks and saw some nice rafts of redheads and a good couple handfuls of teal, as well as my flamingo...he is back. The teal were hanging with the flamingo.

Anybody got a pattern and paint scheme for a flamingo decoy? Up here at the other end of the flyway, the teal have been around a while and are getting pretty decoy shy. Perhaps I can fool them into thinking they've arrived on the Gulf with a few big pinks out at the edge of the spread. It will look kind of funny out there in the rice or spartina with hemlock and fir on the banks, but you never now what might work. [laugh]
Don't judge.....I have used flamingos in the decoys quite effectively...never flared a pintail, red head, bluebill, ruddy or teal off of them! I just got the yard flamingos from walmart or the dollar tree [sly] pretty cheap that way

But I do have a picture of one that I think would make a cool decoy....wonder where I put it though
72 degrees in Maine today. If this keeps up, the teal will stay here all winter, and the flamingos may be headed north!
Went out last night for the evening flight viewing...and some scouting on the impounded WMA....nothing but a small handful of grebes on the impoundment BUT the Gulf had nice evening flights of redheads working to and fro. The butterfly migration was nice. The noseeums not so much
noseeums, ugh. hate those things!

Nice to hear the redheads have shown up. Hope you have a chance to get after them this year.
Dani said:
Don't judge.....I have used flamingos in the decoys quite effectively...never flared a pintail, red head, bluebill, ruddy or teal off of them! I just got the yard flamingos from walmart or the dollar tree [sly] pretty cheap that way

But I do have a picture of one that I think would make a cool decoy....wonder where I put it though


Now yer talkin'!

Two thumbs up.

Use of correct Confidence Decoys, are the working tools of the observant, and wise hunter.

There is a certain place in "The Duck Factory". Where a small rig of Avocet Decoys, will toll Canvasbacks like folks would not believe (thank goodness). In the middle of nowhere, and carrying duck decoys of any kind is a PITA.
