Taxidermy suprise story.....


Active member
Hey folks,
Been awhile since I last posted, probably too long for any to remember.

Last year I shot a nice drake Hooded Merg and decided to put him on the wall. The mount is a swimming mount and the taxidermist is a master at his work... at least in the past he was. I've used this guy on 95 percent of the mounts I have had done, so I wasn't too concerned with this bird.

When I picked up the mount it was a nice mount, really.... except something didn't seem right. I paid the artist for his work and went home to put the mount on the wall. As I sat there in the den I kept staring at this bird and like a bolt of lightning it hit me --- the eyes are the wrong color. The eyes that were set were red in color not the yellow/gold which threw the whole mount off. I spoke the the taxidermist the next day to see what had happened, his comment was "that was the color of the eyes when you dropped him off". Now, I did fix the eye color on my own and it looks fine, but has anyone ever seen a red eyed hooded Merganser in their endevours??? I haven't... I'm thinking about next season, and the bird I put on the wall, but I might need a new bird taxidermist.

Anyone else have a taxidermy surprise story??

Sorry to hear about the messed up mount, I know I would be upset. If the taxidermist doesn't know what color eyes should be on a bird, he/she doesn't need to be mounting anything! Sounds like you need a new taxidermist no matter what.
I've run into that also with a Hen Goldeneye. The taxidermist put a Yellow eye in the Hen GE instead of the White (or light cream) that should have been installed. When I confronted him with it he stated that "it's a goldeneye, what do you think it should have for an eye"? I clued him in on reality and haven't done anything with him since. He also put a Red eye into a Redhead I have. Not the sharpest bowling ball in the alley.
I was wondering if anyone would pick up on that. Way to go Paul! Must have a mind like an elephant..