Ted Nugent

Worth Mathewson

Active member
Since duck season is now history (a very poor one here in my part of western Oregon), the Canada geese now very decoy shy, and likely will remain so until our March 10th ending, a snow storm apparently halting the spring migration of snipe that saw nearly zero birds up until the Feb. 16th ending, and I pulled my muskrat and beaver traps the other day (did well with both this year), I am left with spare time until turkey season opens in April. So I will whack a wasp's nest to find out feelings from members of this page.
That being: I have an extreme dislike for Ted Nugent. This dislike goes back a long time, but reached a boiling point when he jumped all over Jim Zumbo due to Jim's remarks that black guns had no place in sport hunting. I also feel strongly that they don't. I have no problems with those who want to own one, nor any other type of firearm. (I had a friend with a collection of Thompson machine guns, and they were fun to shoot.) But I do have a major problem in that Ted Nugent has self appointed himself as spokesman for gun rights. Some remarkably stupid remarks come out of this mouth on a regular basis, and I really don't think he aids our important cause. More than likely, hurts us.
But much more than his remarks on gun rights, his conduct in the field shows a direct disregard for sportsmanship. Many examples of this: Foremost his ranch in Texas, where he frequently shoots several species of animals that are feeding on bait below his tree blind. You can see the bait, and the animals are about as wild as a steer in a corral.
Then there was the time he put arrows in two black bears before finally killing a third. And the time in California when he shot a nice blacktail buck in the ass, later muttering something about finding it the next day, but showing no film evidence of it, and went on to shoot a small buck. Had he actually found the large buck, he would have certainly shown it, as it was a nice one. And on and on.
In my view, this page is made up of solid sportsmen, the major reason I enjoy it so much. I will be interested to learn the views of others regarding this. Best, Worth Mathewson
I'd rather listen to his music than his opinions.

I tend to agree. His message is good, but his delivery is not and tends to alienate those who don't shoot or hunt but may not have been "anti".

I agree with everyone. I watched his show early on, but won't watch it anymore. As Carl says, his message to respect our wildlife and their death is appropriate, but his "syruppy" verbage and actions IMO are insincere and hypocritical. I believe that is the point Worth is making.
For me, it was a nauseating gut reaction when I watched his show. Hard to put a finger on, just an emotional reaction.
Obviously there are those that enjoy his show, so not for me to judge, just my decision not to watch.
Glad to hear I'm not the only one thinking this.
His willingness to speak up in support of our sports and our rights. Many public people will not speak up in public that they hunt or own guns. Ted does rant and rave a little. People like Heston, Wayne were listened too.
Some of the TV shows now make the hunter look like a bunch of ya hoos. Do these directors and producers know any thing about hunting??? Not in my book. Some of these shows I can't watch.
Don't watch his show, so can't say. But he does speak up for us...
I'm about half and half on him.
His hunting sucks. I have never understood why a guy with his means wants to shoot tame critters. That makes no sense to me. I'm all for eating wild meat but a lot of his 'game' eats as much corn as the beef I usually eat.
Not finding game happens to everyone but they should be honest about it. I'd guess in most of the places he hunts not finding a deer within hours means it was just bones when he did find it. I don't like seeing guys finding deer the next day that clearly could have been followed up within hours. It's even worse when half the deer is gone and the guy is still thrilled about the horns.

I do like his politics. It was actually Ted who was the only guy to let Jim back on his show when nobody else would. I would not have done it.
I see no difference between an AR for coyotes and an SBE for waterfowl or upland birds. They work the same, they are all semi- autos. It takes big bucks and a very complete background check to get the real deal fully auto guns. And as far as I know they are not allowed for hunting anywhere.
Most states have limits on the amount of rounds a gun used for big game may hold so an AR is no different then a BAR that I have never heard anyone criticize.
Most of the successful hunting arms come from military developments. It's been that way as long as there have been guns.

I rarely watch him, usually just on in the background if I forget to turn it off and he comes on. I'm a little confused how he wins awards for his show. It is the same every time I see it and not very well put together. There are a much better shows.

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Worth, I am with you on your feelings and remarks. Didn't he get nailed for a game violation in California for hunting over bait where it is illegal? In my opinion the last person we need doing any speaking on the behalf of gun owners, hunters or both is someone that speaks with such blatant disregard for the audience. Everything we say or do is used against us by those that wish to restrict or eliminate your right to hunt, own firearms or both. You need to tailor your message to the audience and his is best suited to the new generation of whitetail hunters that measure the success of a hunt entirely on the measurement of antlers and nothing more. How many deer can one person or a family eat in a year? A couple sure but five, six.... come on. A non hunting friend said to me that the worst thing to happen to the image of hunters in the last 25 years is the Outdoor Channel. I have to agree and go one step further by calling it the Whitetail Channel. Having him as a spokesperson is the last message of association I want to be made with what I enjoy so much. He is certainly one hunter I would not miss if he got to busy for hunting like many struggling middle class hunters or family oriented hunters, etc.
i also think ted is at least much of the time,"over the edge".
his antics are an embarrassment to us,who unfortunately are lumped into the same category as he. but,just because you are a member of the NRA,doesn't mean you agree with all of their doctrine.
the old "ask for a hundred hoping to get fifty" hopefully applies to ted. ted asks for the ridiculous and hopefully we get somewhere in the middle.

I've sat down and jawed with Ted before. He used to show up at Outdoorama. Another friend of mine, Jenny, from Michigan Out of Doors (TV Show here in Michigan) worked for him down in Texas for a year.
I'm not a fan of his music and also have some issues with the way he presents things but...he is vocal about our sport...hunting & gunning and his heart is in the right place. He DOES reach some people who would never be reached otherwise. In that aspect...I think he does a great job.
Who would be a good famous face ,I m curious who you guys would choose as a front man for our cause ,both gun rights and a hunting supporter. Im not a huge fan of Nugent he is a little to colorful for me .yet he is a voice not a great one though. I don't own any "black guns personally but I don't have a problem with anyone who does ,I am a sportsman gun owner . I am a NRA member, as we all should be .I don't like to see animals harvested over bait on ranches, or canned hunts its not for me yet it is legal in some areas ,
Watching him "perform" in his "gun mode" always makes me feel a bit uncomfortable......and he is always in that mode. His audacious behavior is strangely entertaining (for awhile). I think Ted would have been an outstanding pirate.
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Personally, I have no interest in his music nor in his "whack 'em and stack 'em" mentality. I remember WAY back, when I was director of development for the National Wild Turkey Federation, the boss (ceo) was thinking of Nugent as some sort of spokesperson. All I said was, "Are you sure you want to do that?" Never happened. At least not in my decade there.
I also cringe when I see him. BUT he is a very vocal voice and has no problem being non-PC and I like that. Would I prefer someone else? Absolutely but the WHO is the issue. One guy that comes to mind is Fred Eichler - a wonderful and dynamic speaker and a guy who not only loves to hunt but has respect for all hunters as well as the wildlife. He and his wife, Michel would be fantastic spokespersons for all hunters. Others, would be Don Thomas, Monty Browning, Nathan Andersohn, etc. Yeah, they are mainly traditional bowhunters but great spokespersons for all hunters.
I do not watch any hunting shows so cannot bash on a show that I have not seen. I am a huge fan of EBR (evil black rifles) and when I get my .308 broke in nicely it will the weapon I use to shoot large game. My two small girls will use one in .223 or larger caliber to deer hunt for the first time. I also took offense to Jim Zumbo's comments on the rifle.

I have seen Ted interviewed several times. My favorite was when Bill Maher would have him on his show as the only person defending guns. Ted would get animated, not sound stupid and really put out educated information to squash what others said. As stated earlier if not Ted then who? Who has a recognizable face to non-gun owning American citizens that would not be afraid to talk about gun ownership. What actor, actress, musician has the fortitude to possibly commit what would be considered career suicide in that industry.
his message to respect our wildlife and their death is appropriate, but his "syruppy" verbage and actions IMO are insincere and hypocritical.

When I take young folks or newcomers to the sport out in the field, I always assume that how I behave sends a lot louder message than anything I say. A game violator talking about respect for wildlife? Not the role model I want.

Better spokesman? I don't know anything about Tom Selleck's hunting chops, though I've heard some pro-gun messages from him. On the angling side, Tom Brokaw is a great role model. I don't know if he hunts.

I've said this before--I'll take Ted Roosevelt, Ding Darling, Aldo Leopold and a bunch of other folks over any of today's TV clowns.

How about Worth Mathewson? His books are among those I recommend to folks who want to learn the history and lore and spirit of waterfowling as well as how to set decoys and where to put the boat or blind. I don't own a black gun or have any strong feelings about them. I do defend anyone's right to say things I don't agree with. I can and will passionately disagree about a lot of stuff, but I'd never go after someone's job because I disagreed with their opinion.