The Adventures of Alberta 2024 Thru The Lens..

Anthony Babich

Active member
This past month, I finally made my longtime dream a reality by venturing to the west in the pursuit of the beautiful landscape of Alberta, Canada. This was a trip I had planned for awhile with some close friends like family and for some this would be a return visit. We kicked off the trip with myself and 7 friends located all across the country some from the south, northeast and western end growing up with each other we finally returned from where our lives had taken us. Myself and another photographer friend were grateful to capture some of the moments we enjoyed over the past 3 days afield. For me, the excitement of capturing the moment is just as thrilling as moments behind the barrel.

During our 5 day trip (3 days in the field) we managed over 400+ birds of a variety of different species. Most of these birds were Snow-Geese, Mallards, Pintails, Widgeon, Speckle Bellies, Canada Goose, and the few Ross Blue Geese we came across.
Interestingly enough I noticed a good variety of young and mature birds based at the different hunting locations we tracked towards. I kept records of all of our days and will incorporate that into a video for our group.
The outfitter; Alberta's Fall Flight provided the ultimate experience for our group the owner Andrew definitely has an amazing setup complete with lodging, full time chef, variety of land leases and his team was more then welcoming to us all. We enjoyed every moment!
Here's a look at some of the views thru the lens... I managed to edit through thousands of images taken and pull out a few hundred and work from there, what a task! But captured memories for a lifetime.. definitely will be going back at another chapter in life but grateful for those days spent with friends both old & new.

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Anthony , looks like a fun time ! What are the specs on your camera .
Also how hard was it getting your dog across the border ? I’ve heard they have updated the import / export requirements for dogs.
Would love to let mine work / get some experience up there

Awesome photos. One of my childhood best friends is the main videographer/photographer for Kuiu. I hated it so much, we would go hunt something as kids and young college kids and he was so worried about cameras and shot angles and action shots. I dont know how many times I got frustrated with him and told him to leave the camera alone. Now I see all the footage and places he gets to go and things he gets to see and I often think he has the best life. It's absolutely amazing to see how far cameras have come. Everytime I see footage of a new one of his cameras, I am blown away. He sent me a slow mo of a speck being shot and the camera is the same size as the nikon you share in your photos on this thread. He has quite a few different lens types, but its all so foreign to me. I just know, I love great photos, as it truly is an art! Looks like you all had an absolute incredible time in Canada. Can't wait to see the video when its done.
Anthony , looks like a fun time ! What are the specs on your camera .
Also how hard was it getting your dog across the border ? I’ve heard they have updated the import / export requirements for dogs.
Would love to let mine work / get some experience up there

Thanks! So I use the Nikon D850 body, I'll be switching to full Mirrorless this Spring with the Z9 but this setup has been my go-to for a few years. Previously I used the D810 & D750 both exceptional cameras built to withstand the elements. The glass im using is the Nikon 24-70, 70-200, & 150-600mm Tamron G2 lenses. Both companies have locations not far from my home so it's ideal for service and checkups each season.

In regards to the dog, we were unable to bring any as it was just a nightmare. Those dogs are the owner's Andrew's. One of our guys is an active duty Marine Sniper and they would allow him to bring the pup but it would be on a separate plane crazy enough and that was just not in the cards.

The Canadian customs will hold your dog up to 24hrs to "examine" the flight into Calgary was mostly hunters and we learned alot about what "to-do" and what not in terms of legalities.

I will say, Canada is cracking down on non-resident hunters we had increased licensing prices, and the Royal Environmental Police is on patrol 24/7 so there is increased activity there this time of year for sure. Definitely worth the trip though awesome experience
Awesome photos. One of my childhood best friends is the main videographer/photographer for Kuiu. I hated it so much, we would go hunt something as kids and young college kids and he was so worried about cameras and shot angles and action shots. I dont know how many times I got frustrated with him and told him to leave the camera alone. Now I see all the footage and places he gets to go and things he gets to see and I often think he has the best life. It's absolutely amazing to see how far cameras have come. Everytime I see footage of a new one of his cameras, I am blown away. He sent me a slow mo of a speck being shot and the camera is the same size as the nikon you share in your photos on this thread. He has quite a few different lens types, but its all so foreign to me. I just know, I love great photos, as it truly is an art! Looks like you all had an absolute incredible time in Canada. Can't wait to see the video when its done.
That is awesome, I have had that opportunity come my way in similar positions but just couldn't give up my main career. Definitely a dream of mine if I can retire early! With all the splendor and frills that is a tough life capturing those moments in a way only a videographer can understand it's a true art!
That is awesome, I have had that opportunity come my way in similar positions but just couldn't give up my main career. Definitely a dream of mine if I can retire early! With all the splendor and frills that is a tough life capturing those moments in a way only a videographer can understand it's a true art!
Ya its a very funny thing to see now. Hes been with Kuiu for probably almost 10 years now. He does enjoy it, but now that we are getting to ages where its time to have a family and maybe slow down a bit, I think its actually wearing on him. For the last 8ish years it seems we all thought he was living the dream, as we have got older, our vision on his career has certainly changed a bit. And I know in his heart of hearts, he does love his job and ABSOLUTELY LOVES the people he works for, but if they say he has to go, he has to go, even during the off season when they are shooting promotional stuff. The trips he goes on and the pictures he shows me of all his adventures, he truly has been all over the world in parts that many of us can only imagine going. He does have to keep himself in tip top shape. Hes been charged by grizzlies and almost trampled by elephants, and I wouldnt believe any of it if he didnt show me the video footage. Then there are times when I meet up with him for dinner and he looks like hes been hit by a truck 10 times and when I ask whats wrong, all he can say is the pack mules that they were supposed to have for the hunt didnt show up, so they had to hump all the gear for 9 days and hiked like 60+ miles, through the Alaska wilderness... I do question if I have the drive or toughness he does, and of course the answer to that is I absolutely do not. Truly, sometimes I wonder if he thinks I have it better now, as we make about the same amount of money, but I get to be fat and happy and comfortable in my bed every night. You can just see it in peoples faces when you speak about life and the directions we have gone, and I am pretty sure I had those same facial characteristics when we talked about our careers the last 5-8 years. Ask me who had it better 5 years ago, and neither of us would question who had the better career. Ask me today, and I kind of like where I sit in life.

Whats the famous saying? Its not always roses and butterflies........ but I bet its all experiences we would love to be apart of in our lifetimes at some point. I can promise when he lays on his death bed, the stories he will share of his life will far exceed any of the ones I will be able to share. Its a fun career to watch for sure.