The bright side of unemployment


Well-known member
Well, Like I posted a few weeks ago, I decided to take the plunge into being a full time decoy maker. Thanks again to everyone for the well wishes and the orders. Most of these are for orders. I'm trying to dicipline myself into treating this like a job and keeping on task. It's tough, but it's coming along. Once I get all of my orders filled I will be starting to build and inventory for a few stores I'll be set up in and building a rig for this year. Most of these still need to be hollowed and sanded along with some detail stuff. I'm thinking about setting up a schedule of carve Monday thru Thursday for orders and birds for sale (stock), Hollow and sand on Friday, and Saturdays will be devoted to carving my own birds. I will be painting in the evenings. For whatever reason, painting in the evening helps me wind down and I sleep better. Anyhow, Like I said, Thank you all for the encouragement. It's one of the things that keeps me going.


The one with the turned head (teal?) in the back row is great Paul.
Pops right out at me. Hell it looks so good you might want to see if
they'l take it unpainted.
I cant see alot of detail, but you captured the attitude perfectly.

Well done on all of them.
Nice work figure out the schedule soon enough. Make sure you same some time in there for that baby that's on the way!

Thanks for the comments.

Geoff, I think the one's your seeing are the shovelers on the back left? I'll get a better picture of them up later.

Jim, I'm working on putting a playpen in the shop. I'm trying to find one that's made out of the same stuff furnace filters are made of. With a lid on it.
I'd swear I was walking out of Grayson's shop heading for the house for one of Dawn's "gut buster" mid-day meals....the ones that make you want to take a nap afterwards so you can rest up for the REAL MEAL that comes just four hours later.....

Lookin good.....

Sssssssshhhhh, no one tell him that he is now "self-employed" rather than "unemployed"... employment of any kind can take the fun out of things and he sure seems to be having fun with those beautiful decoys...
I'm trying to dicipline myself into treating this like a job and keeping on task.

If you intend to feed your family doing this, you MUST treat it like a job. Set a schedule and keep to it as best you can. One of the perks of self employment is the freedom to set your own schedule. Just set enough of one to keep the bills paid.

Looks like your fledgeling (duckling) business is underway now. Nice spread there. Keep the pics and progress reports coming.

Very Nice!!

As one door closes another opens. I wish you the best of luck in the carving business, from the looks of the pictures you are having a good start.

How are you taking orders for decoy work? is there a web page you are setting up or should a person just contact you through a Personal Message?

Thanks Josh- I'll be sure to find you at Westlake. Planned to anyhow.

Jack- Thanks for the compliment and well wishes. So far I don't have a website or anything, but Lou has offered to let me put some pictures on his site, and once I get some stuff painted, they will be up there. So far I have been doing pretty well by word of mouth, messages and emails.
Good deal.

I'm still carving a bufflehead I started 4 years ago no paint on him or his friends. I figure I better start buying nice birds because at the rate I work, and over thinking things, I'll never have them painted. This might be the year, lots of folks stoking the fire to get them done.

I'll look forward to you pics when they become available. I may be interested in a pair of mallards, for my wife, as a birthday present..... since she bought me a washing machine for my birthday.
Jack, I don't know how long you've been married, but you may want to get her a shotgun for an anniversary present too.
Jack, I don't know how long you've been married, but you may want to get her a shotgun for an anniversary present too.
It's been a few years now, I think it's going on three, but I can never figure out what to get her for an anniversary present. Did you know there is a "thing" out there that the women memorize since young gals. It's says get paper for the 1st year anniversary, cloth/linen for the second year and so on.... well if the third year is steel, a shotgun sounds like a great anniversary present!!!

I'll hide the shells from her, just in case she knows how to use it.
