The last 48 hours---

Hi Al

I thought you wanted some duck weather so I sent a little chill down to you , sorry if it was a little cold.
We have plenty more up here if you would like some. LOL.

Those are some very nice pics, I really like the one with the clouds coming down the mountain and of course all the ones with Habi in them too.

I guess I forgot to tell you, Doug, that my idea of ducky weather is anywhere from the low 30s to the middle 50s.
Hey, guess what, Salsa is due in about 5 days. I am beginning to use the thermometer.

Congrats on the upcoming litter!
Hope its a large one.

I'll keep you in touch, Doug. Took Bev to the airport this afternoon and she should be landing in Milwaukee within the hour. That is why I am now using the thermometer. Need to be around when that temp begins to fall. 101.6 a half hour ago. Tomorrow before I go hunting I'll check it again.
Wonderful photos...


Thanks, Kristan. When I was coming back from the airport in Albuquerque, I was watching half the state of Arizona flying through the air heading for west Texas. The winds were horrible here. I hope to see a few ducks tomorrow.
Hi Al

I thought you wanted some duck weather so I sent a little chill down to you , sorry if it was a little cold.
We have plenty more up here if you would like some. LOL.

Those are some very nice pics, I really like the one with the clouds coming down the mountain and of course all the ones with Habi in them too.

I guess I forgot to tell you, Doug, that my idea of ducky weather is anywhere from the low 30s to the middle 50s.
Hey, guess what, Salsa is due in about 5 days. I am beginning to use the thermometer.

Congrats on the upcoming litter!
Hope its a large one.

I'll keep you in touch, Doug. Took Bev to the airport this afternoon and she should be landing in Milwaukee within the hour. That is why I am now using the thermometer. Need to be around when that temp begins to fall. 101.6 a half hour ago. Tomorrow before I go hunting I'll check it again.

At 101.6 , you have plenty of time . Go hunting!