The Most Expensive Anchor


The Skip & Al - named after Charlie Horal's 2 sons - was, if I recall correctly, a Richardson from the 1930s. It was the first "tender" I was ever on - age 9 or 10 - with the big Broadbill rig and scooter.

I knew the younger son, Alan, through my school years. He explained that his Dad built the pilothouse you see in the photo. The trunk cabin up forward was original - and has the classic upright, rectilinear lines typical of the pre-WW II era. Charlie replaced the original pilothouse portion with the curvy shapes that became popular after the War. I always knew Charlie as a mechanic - but obviously he was pretty handy with woodworking tools, too.

To break ice, they 'glassed the hull from just above the waterline to 6 or so inches below.

The photo was taken by a Sports Afield photographer.

All the best,


I'll make the same offer... I have an H weight mold I bought off a fellow forumite years ago... he or someone he knew was milling them. I will try to measure it and post up the dimensions. If I fill it they are over 16oz. Usually I shoot for 12 to 14oz myself. But if anyone has a need, send me the lead and I will pour them and ship them back to you on your dime. I usually scrounge around for my lead, but it is getting harder to find.... so I recently bought some off eBay. Cheapest I could do was $1.23 per lb shipped to me from NC. Good clean, fluxed lead. Don't know the purity, and didn't care as these are decoy weights, and not going down my barrel! Obviously some Tin in it as they are real shiny, but will dull with some use shortly.