The perfect limit???

I've never even had shots at two drake read heads and two drake cans in my 30 years of duck hunting, so I would say you have reached a level I will never attain with that pile of birds. ringneck??

Gorgeous birds you've got there.....GORGEOUS.....I'd be happy with a limit like that too, especially for the end of the season
Thats the limit I wanted to try for this year, but as you know, rough year. Maybe next year. By the way, birds left. You would have shot your Redheads, and probably some Scaup and Wigeon if you were here last week.
That's about as good as it gets for divers Fred. Nice limit. Here on the lower Columbia I shot more cans this year than I've shot in my entire 35 years of hunting ducks. I also shot an immature redhead drake which I've never seen down this way. I've heard of a few more reds taken so maybe they'll be like cans and become more frequent down this way. I would love to get up your way sometime and target those mature redheads. Beautiful birds you have taken sir!
Thanks Fred.....THAT there is the perfect diver limit....yup indeedy.....

now duck season's over, whatcha up to?
I'm envious of a limit like that. You've got me beat on Cans, Red Heads and Ring Bills. I think my lifetime total for Cans is two, Red Heads 2 and Ring Bills one.
Fred - I was very close to hitting my "perfect" diver limit this year. Because we have a 6 duck limit and I've been fortunate to kill more cans in my lifetime than I have redheads or greater bluebills, all I needed to complete this day was a mature drake can (although our can limit was 2/day this yr).


The limit I would love to kill, but realize it not be feasible, is an all drake limit of can, woodie, redhead, pintail, blackduck, and goldeneye... wouldn't that be a diverse crowd, ha.
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Fred - I was very close to hitting my "perfect" diver limit this year. Because we have a 6 duck limit and I've been fortunate to kill more cans in my lifetime than I have redheads or greater bluebills, all I needed to complete this day was a mature drake can (although our can limit was 2/day this yr).


The limit I would love to kill, but realize it not be feasible, is an all drake limit of can, woodie, redhead, pintail, blackduck, and goldeneye... wouldn't that be a diverse crowd, ha.

Kyle, if you're willing to replace the black duck with a gaddie or mallard then there are a few spots here that you could pull that off. If you ever find yourself in northern Utah in January, and you don't mind hunting in single digit temps, look me up!