The quality of folks

Vince Pagliaroli

Well-known member

A few weeks ago a small package arrived from Ben Pendleton, a duckboats member I have never met.

Neatly wrapped inside, was this wonderful mini Mourning Dove Decoy, mounted on a carved ear of corn base.

I was stunned and humbled by Ben's thoughtfulness and generosity.

We went back and forth through PM messages. Ben told me he wanted me to have it, as I am so fond of Doves and Dove hunting.

There are not enough words to express my appreciation to Ben, and to Duckboats.

Awhile ago I was involved in a auto accident that has me on the sidelines, and unable to enjoy the things that I dearly love.

Ben's gift brings a ray of hope and joy to my "indoor captivity".

His dove has a special place of honor among our mini decoy collection.

Waterfowlers and Decoy folks are indeed a special breed of human beings.


Best regards

View attachment mini dove decoy 3.jpgView attachment mini dove decoy 4.jpg
Beautiful gesture by Ben. That's one of the reasons why I love this site and have made donations to support it. Feel better Vince. You'll be back in action in short order. God bless you.
Thanks for the kind words Vince,

As soon as I made that bird, well actually before I finished, I thought of you because of your love of dove hunting and how it would be the one species you would want to hunt out of all others.

I'm glad it brought you joy and I hope you get back out there soon

Truly a great bunch of people here, love being apart of it.
Good morning Vince and Ben~

It's so nice to read this story. As others have mentioned, such acts of thoughtfulness, kindness and generosity can be expected here at duckboats.

All the best to you both,


Bill, Ben, Steve, and RD

A tip of the hat to each of you.

May you each (and all folks here) have a safe and enjoyable season.

Best regards
I second you sentiments with gusto. I too, have been on both the giving and receiving end on many occasions.

And the fellowship here is second to none.

Best site on the web hands down.
