
Eric Patterson said:
In person? Too impractical to be effective at stopping stolen gun sales and recovering stolen guns. Not sure why this data is largely kept out of the public domain but honestly as some who had a shotgun stolen it pisses me off. Thanks for your input nonetheless.


Eric, My response was directed towards your earlier statement;
Eric Patterson said:
My point is there is no public open source repository of stolen gun info to help people determine the gun they are about to buy is stolen.

I appreciate the info. Can you imagine a pawn shop or gun store owner going down in person for each and every firearm they buy and asking the s/n to be checked? I can't.

When my Benelli was stolen I called numerous pawn shops and offered a reward. One pawn shop owner laughed in my face at the thought of anyone contacting me. The person that stole my gun will probably not pass it down as a family heirloom. The low-life sold or will sell it and the prospective buyer probably has no idea he can go in person to get the s/n checked, if he even cared. That's just the reality of the situation today.

No, I don't see it as a deterrent to curb stolen gun traffic. When you say people buying a stolen gun I differentiate that with a business buying a stolen gun.
As an individual I feel it is quite easy to prevent yourself from purchasing a stolen firearm.
As to a database, I have mixed feelings. On one hand yes it probably would be a good thing.
On the other hand, do we want Public Access you said database. If we do where does it stop the next person will want Public Access to all gun transactions. I don't have the answer wish I did.

Sadly, a lot of individuals don't care as long as the price is to their liking.

To me a stolen gun db is quite different than other forms of gun registries. If your gun is stolen you have the option of reporting it, and hence being recorded. It is basically a record of firearms NOT in your possession :)

I feel if you own a gun and don't lock your car ( forgetting to lock it is another story) then you really don't respect the gun and have the responsibility needed to own a gun.
My two cents.
Eric Patterson said:

It is basically a record of firearms NOT in your possession :)


I understand your point however more accurate description might be:
It is a database of what you did have and might likely have replaced or have more of.

My despise of thieves and theft and desire that they receive justice runs deeper than my fear of big bro knowing I own or owned guns.

Eric Patterson said:

My despise of thieves and theft and desire that they receive justice runs deeper than my fear of big bro knowing I own or owned guns.


I understand I'm just not sure the General Public needs access to that information.
This really sucks, everybody hates a thief.
But is this sorta thing getting worse or is it something new like everyone seems to be saying? Nope, theft and all other crime has been a problem since the first day of human society. It?s never going away and probably not getting worse per capita. But there are far more people, meaning more targets for more thieves. Best measure is to protect yourself and your property as well as you can.


Gun, knife, shovel, axe, rat poison, ice pick, crow bar, tire iron, matches, lighter, gasoline in a can, whatever.

To put the onus of responsibility on the owner, not the thief is just plain asinine.

A thief is a ****ING thief.

My 2 cents and it will not change.
Not blaming the owner just saying lock your sh-t up. Local news channel here put reporters at convenience stores. Found people leaving their cars running unlocked as they ran in. One customer left car running, unlocked, cell phone and wallet on front seat. We have every night people going thru unlocked cars every once in awhile a gun is taken. My nephew left his truck unlocked in drive with garage door opener in it ??

I was always taught take extra precautions when ever there is a firearm present.

Of course the thief is wrong. I wasn't saying the thief was right
Key word as you said is responsibility.
From one Capa Toasta to another.
This is the latest CT law. Well intended, but over steps rights.
It is a CT law, signed by the Governor.
The interpretation is, you must even lock your guns up in your vehicles.
MIKE-SID said:
It is a CT law, signed by the Governor.
The interpretation is, you must even lock your guns up in your vehicles.

If this is a CT law what is the reason for the link you provided? The link takes you to a proposed bill before the United States Senate.

Ken -

I was taught to be responsible no matter what, and certainly not just with firearms.

Being irresponsible brought a very stern response from my family ASAP.

Locked or unlocked, if someone wants what ya got it's gone.

Just pray that they only take the item.

For five years I lived in a Bad Ass neighborhood where 5 people were murdered (only one solved). Break in's were common to homes, vehicles, garages, etc. When neighbors bought new wicker furniture, and a blind for their porch, it was gone the next day.

I lived in a upstairs apartment. The downstairs apartment would get robbed about every 6 months. If you were dumb enough to be outdoors, or walking after dark, you would most likely not make it home. Aluminum siding stolen off homes while the people were home. Hearing shots fired at night was common.

You live in a place like that you learn what to do, what not to do, and safety is more in your own head, and hands.

Like a lock is gonna help ya... at times it just pisses em off even more, and a pissed off crack/meth head will kill ya for a dollar.

It is only stuff, and ya only have one life.

Moving somewhere else like I did can help, but is not a sure thing. Ya live (God Willing) and learn, or pay the price.

The word is RESPONSIBILITY, and a helluva lotta folks have no idea what it is, nor care.

When ya put the onus on folks that DO know what it is. To "prevent things from those that do not", that's BS.

What we have now is a society that excepts, and condones irresponsibility as common practice.

From one very hard Capa Tost to another.