Ken -
I was taught to be responsible no matter what, and certainly not just with firearms.
Being irresponsible brought a very stern response from my family ASAP.
Locked or unlocked, if someone wants what ya got it's gone.
Just pray that they only take the item.
For five years I lived in a Bad Ass neighborhood where 5 people were murdered (only one solved). Break in's were common to homes, vehicles, garages, etc. When neighbors bought new wicker furniture, and a blind for their porch, it was gone the next day.
I lived in a upstairs apartment. The downstairs apartment would get robbed about every 6 months. If you were dumb enough to be outdoors, or walking after dark, you would most likely not make it home. Aluminum siding stolen off homes while the people were home. Hearing shots fired at night was common.
You live in a place like that you learn what to do, what not to do, and safety is more in your own head, and hands.
Like a lock is gonna help ya... at times it just pisses em off even more, and a pissed off crack/meth head will kill ya for a dollar.
It is only stuff, and ya only have one life.
Moving somewhere else like I did can help, but is not a sure thing. Ya live (God Willing) and learn, or pay the price.
The word is RESPONSIBILITY, and a helluva lotta folks have no idea what it is, nor care.
When ya put the onus on folks that DO know what it is. To "prevent things from those that do not", that's BS.
What we have now is a society that excepts, and condones irresponsibility as common practice.
From one very hard Capa Tost to another.