Think of me Tomarrow


Well-known member
In the course of human events things happen. You get older, then more things happen.

Tomorrow they are going to check out my plumbing ( Heart Catheterization )

I have had symptoms for a while so Carol set a appointment with the Doctor.

His PA did a bunch of tests and ask questions and then the doctor did the same.

The end result.. The Doctor said ( We have to take a look ) I expected that....

What I am hoping for is that they can take care of it with stents.

If not bypass surgery....

I have a lot of things to do this summer and recovering from bypass wasn't on the agenda.... but what ever will be will be......

There is some risk involved but I have good Doctors and hopefully a little help from above.

I have dealt with risk most of my life with my eyes wide open. If you know what you are up against you can deal with it...

If every thing goes South.. I want every one to have a good one.. Pete

Good luck Pete, will be thinking of dad had a five way bypass in 2003..he has had 9 heart attacks total, four before the bypass, one during, and four since, he has five stents in his main artery, he is 72 still gets out fishing several times a week and hunts ducks every Saturday through the fall and winter..he is very proud of the fact he owns the record of surviving the most heart attacks in Cooper Hospital history...LOL.....modern medicine can be a blessing.....Dave
You are now on my prayer list...until further notice. ;)
It's hard to know the way of the Lord but facing it head on (as you stated) makes things go much easier.
Take care my friend,
Good Luck mate you are always in my prayers along with carol, I hope everything go,s north for you tomorrow, just have faith in the Lord and he will pull you through.
Take care and God Bless
Eddie and Amber
Its all about Building that Bond.
Best of luck tomorrow.

For what it's worth, my Grandmother, at age 84, had a quad bypass and two heart valves replaced. She's now 87 and doing great. It's amazing what they can do.
Good luck, I had the stent thing 13 years ago, worked out great, I was 42 years old. I highly recommend it. The pictures are really amazing and you will probably feel like a new man immediately.
You've got nothing to worry about, they do these procedures all day, every day. I'm 43 and had angioplasty (sp) twice, with 3 stents. In about 6 weeks you will be up and about feeling like a teenager again. Good luck you'll be in my prayers.