This post is rated "Eddie safe" in no "poop"...

Depends on what you are trying to convey or bring out in your viewers. If you want relaxation, scenic overview then go with the first. If you want to make a bolder more personal view of the bird than the last one is best. By cropping you can evoke different emotions/thoughts in how you do it

dave b
Sutton - In kind honor dear sir - this photo is just not right, could you please photoshop in some bird crap.
... to what are we referring? I must be in some "other" category because they all look like a big heron sitting on the same beam on the same barn with a little cropping involved.

Now I HAVE been all sprawled out all day on Saginaw Bay and my butt was touching cold aluminum for a part of that time but usually that doesn't affect my brain that much despite where a few people think my head might reside so clue me in Ansel Sutton...what should I be looking for? Should I be taking sensitivity classes? Who mentioned "poop" again and why? Why aren't that thing's wings spinning?
The first and the third. I personally like the third one the best.

You're all wet! Everybody knows the first one is best.

(Just practicing my personal attacks on insignificant stuff so I'll know how to do it when it really matters.)
Photo 1 barn. Nice photo Steve. Did you monkey with the saturation? Red looks very bright.

but that is more the result of taking the overall blueish cast out of the picture than in bumping the saturation......snowing and lots of low laying snow in the valley when that picture ws taken and the whoe picture had a 'blue" cast to it, (still visible in the hillside behind the barn)....adjusting to remove the blue popped the red......something that I can live with...
