ticks and dogs (need advice)

Todd Duncan Tennyson

Well-known member
Hey everyone,
I just moved to SW Or, and love it, but we have ticks like crazy. I treated the bird dog with some 10 yr old Hartz stuff, and it seemed to work for a week, now he is getting ticks in him again.. I got a tick tool, and removal is easy enough once we find them.

Should we go with advantage, or frontline, or something else for him?

I am thinking that Wally world will have the best prices in The Medford area.

He spent the last week with grandma, and it involved a ton of time in the water, so maybe it washed off what he had on him (i though they absorbed it and it stayed on-board for 4 weeks or so.)

Let me know what you know
I've been using Vectra 3D on my brittany. Works great. We put it on every three weeks. Give the dog a bath with a good flea/tick soap, wait a day to allow the natural oils to get back into the skin and fur, and then apply as directed. It is waterproof and kills the little bastards. Also, spray the dog's bedding with Sawyers.

We have a lot of ticks here, both deer and dog ticks. This has been the best solution I have found so far.

Good luck!

I use advantage but have to be careful as cats can't be around the dog for the duration it takes for the it to dry. Harmful to them according to the vet. I would suggest talking with your vet. I don't know how well the stuff from Wally world works. Good luck. Ticks are a pain in the .......

Not sure on what you can apply to help keep ticks away for long periods of time, but I've used tar shampoo with nice results in getting rid of ticks and it seems to repel them off my dog for a couple weeks. You can get tar shampoo from feed stores probly. I know it is used on horses. I KNOW you can get them at pharmacies b/c it's used for scalp conditions. I've not had very good results with Frontline. There is also a collar that my vet recommended very highly that you might ask about.

Where in the Medford area are you?

We've used Advantix on our dogs. It seems to work well. I don't let them swim for a day or two after I apply it to make sure that it has time to soak in. I buy it from the vet, 8 doses cost me $96 this spring.
Having a boarding kennel in S. Texas where ticks are literally everywhere the options are limited. A good tick treatment like vantix II or similar once a month not all spot treatments are equal and sevin powder in their bedding especially if they sleep outside and spray the property. I would go to an animal supply or farm supply before Walmart, just my thoughts.
I have used frontline plus for the past 3yrs with no problems with fleas or ticks. I get it from ebay in a kit its like $20 for 6mo. Was wondering how this summer would be with the bugs as we had a very mild winter. So far so good. Keeping my fingers crossed. My vet also recommends revolution just haven't bought any yet.
I just brought the Lab to the vet yesterday for his spring tune up. The discussion of ticks came up. My vet suggested a product called TRIFEXIS. It's a once a month oral dose. It's advertised in this country for use against heartworm, fleas, and intestinal worms. According to the vet the product has proven very effective against ticks even though it's not advertised as so. He went on to say that, as it's given orally, it's use is governed by the FDA (external application products are governed by the EPA). The FDA does not have any tick guidelines so they can't market the product as a tick prevention. According to the vet, it IS sold as a tick product in Europe and, I believe he said, Canada. The vet said that he's used it for nearly a year on his dogs with great success. He said that, like Vectra, the tick does have to attach to be killed, but the TRIFEXIS seems to work very rapidly. Also, swimming will have no real affect as is not simply placed on the outer skin.
I'm giving it a try. My lab chewed the tablet down like a dog treat.
We have a wooded lot, and ticks are terrible. My wife's dog goes out a 6 am and stays outside till well after dark (she hates being inside). She attracts ticks like a magnet. We started her on Frontline at 6 mos., and since then, we find dead ticks on her all the time...some attached, some not. But almost all dead and none engorged.

Ironically, she tested positive for lyme at 4 mos. old (we hadn't started her on a regimen because the vet didn't want her on it until 6 mos). Luckily we caught it early and after a strong course of antibiotice, she's tested negative since.

My lab is on Frontline as well, and although he doesn't pick up ticks as bad as the other dog, he has had no problems. Only 2 data points, so take for what it's worth...but I highly recommend.

Just as Rich suggest, TRIFEXIS seems to be the best for my dog. My dog rarely gets any ticks and if she does, I only find dead ones. I think you can only get it at the vets office. Its not expensive either.

We've used Advantix on Coco since she was old enough to use it.
No fleas or ticks noted and all heartworm tests have come back negative.
Give we have mosquitoes year round, heartworm is our biggest worry.
Best bang for your buck-Preventic collar! Works very quick, if not the quickest of all. Last 2-3 months. Only does ticks, not fleas and does have some odor if your dog is in the house all the time. Can make dogs somewhat ill if chewed on. Overall a great product for ticks.

Good luck,