Sorry to hear of the headaches and losses. But as one door possibly closes another one opens. For 25 years of my hunting life I had some of the best access to hunt my grandfathers farm but with his passing the family slowly sold off the land to large corporations. Many of memories being primarily the only hunter on pristine big buck, wood duck, squirrel, turkey, rabbits, quail, raccoons and you name it along the Ohio River just west of Paducah. The one thing I can say I have been thankful of is that my life from college on has opened my world to so many opportunities, friends, and different regions of the US to explore and hunt. The best part to me has been that moment of truth when you hunt and hunt to find the game. Then through a little sweat equity and possibly some extra funds spent on gas it seems like your moment arises, the sky opens. In my profession taking me through different career levels in multiple states I cannot count how many times or hours spent driving and searching, hunting with no luck or leaving immediately after work on countless weekends to drive 7 to 12 hours to meet friends in various regions of the US and even just to go back home to hunt just for the sake of feeling comfortable on home waters. I can remember moving to Texas and finally opening up to actually spending some money on some leased rice fields. When my wife drove down with me to meet the members of the lease I remember walking around on what seemed like a barren waste land of tilled fields with a handful of patches of rice growing on the acreage. It was 105 degrees that day and about the 45th day in row that southern Texas had temperatures above 100 degrees. A far cry from the Western Kentucky Region I grew-up in, the tri-state region where the big muddy meets the Ohio river, the various chain of lakes in Northern Indiana, the central swamps marshes of central Michigan, Reelfoot Lake in TN, and large acreage fields in North West Ohio. Through all my worries Texas as well as others states had the same gift to offer, the sunset was always a wonderful sight along the eastern horizon, the duck species and goose opportunities was a change what I thought was normal, and in all places there was always my first event in my life that is unforgettable. Its sometimes is a tough pill to swallow but opportunity always knocks and I would not trade any moment spending sleepless nights to meet up with family and friends for just the opportunity. Hope this season after your many years in the field you experience a "First Time" shared experience or a first time event for you in the field.
Wish the best of luck and safe hunting this year!