Time to count ducks-pt. 2-commentary courtesy Mike

Steve Sutton

Well-known member
Whaddusee Mike?


"Oh a duck or ten".....


"Well maybe more than that"....


"Lets jam a few more in before we start countin em"....


"Would you look at em all...can I go get me one"?


"Make sure you count the ones below you"


"There's the Eagle...I bet that'll make em fly"


"Yep..there they go"....


"And there's some more"...


"So wudja shoot one already"?


"Jeeeez there's some more"...


"Silly birdwatchers", (this commentary by the Deer not Mike)....


For those of you that question whether my Lab is smarter than your Honor Student or that Labs are "intelligent" , or that might believe that the above"are not" direct quotes from Mike I shall state that "you saw it on the internet so IT HAS TO BE TRUE", and if you question that statement then I shall refer you to what Mike had to say about that as he was reading what was said about that subject in the recent post......


Mike and Steve
verify his numbers before he tells me......says he's worried about the guys ove on MADDUCKS saying he "fudged the numbers".....then added something about how if someone was going to be said that "the numbers were wrong it wasn't going to be him".....thinking about that I think that makes him "smarter" than a human......

Once upon a time I worked for a professor at USU and participated in a IFIM study on the Klamath River in OR and CA...the outcome was very controversial, similar to quaker counts. Many of the players would get into a pissing match over what is the "Best Science"....the Prof I worked for blunty stated in a public rebuke of a fellow biologist, that he was "protecting his shins".....maybe that is what Mike is doing concerning the actually numbers he counted....protecting his shins from MADDUCK
Nice pictures. Love that second picture of Mike...

and HOLY CRAPPIN CRAP!!!!! There's a lot of pintails!

Steve, You check with Mike but I counted 7,364 ducks using the most scientific method I know....It's a known fact that Labs are more intelligent than most people. Just look how they deal with people. When we are wrong they don't say anything they just give us that look. More than once a got a comeupance from a lab.
You are right Pete. We should not question the Lab work.

btw There are 7 with bands... at least that I could see.

The lab look...might mean..."hey you really think I am that stupid, I know there are no roosters in those cattails so don't send me back in there"....

I have been given numerous looks that could be taken as such...

7364..not 7365? Mike needs to chime in here with the real count and stop protecting shins.
I am going to start a thread crucifying this guy and his run away lab who are obviously parading around disturbing the leks and in the process ruining the WA sage grouse's best chance at recovery.

In the pic posted just above the eagle pic, does that bird center frame look like a mallard x pintail cross. The one almost in the middle of the shot on the water quartering away from us, facing that mallard drake. Don't know why that bird jumped off the page.

PS My dog never says anything, but I get the impression that the Kibbles and Bits theme is on repeat in there sometimes.
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"For those of you that question whether my Lab is smarter than your Honor Student...."

When I read that Steve, I just had to go out and take a picture of the bumper on my truck. Before I retired, I always made it a point to drive my truck to "Conference Night" at the High School. But then again, my office was the only one with pictures of retrievers and a jackalope on the wall, and decoys on the shelves.

View attachment lab (600 x 399).jpg