To those who have recently lost hunting companions

Eric Patterson

Staff member
I know Jay lost Stanley and another longtime friend is also dealing with the death of their hunting companion. As you read the condolences and the tribute section with all the comments of sympathy and encouragement you can't help but realize what a special community this is. One where you can tell your friends about the hurt of losing a friend and shed a tear without somehow feeling like less of a man. So many here have been through it and understand the special relationship between a retriever and his owner and their comments of support are cathartic.

Tonight while running and clearing my mind of stresses that accumulate throughout the day I heard a song and as I listened to the lyrics they seemed to fit what Jay and others are going through. It's a song about the loss of a close friend and how the friends of the deceased choose to honor their friend. At the wake they take the urn and carry it to the beach where they shared many good times with their friend and relive those times in celebration. To their surprise the parents of the deceased are not upset. Rather they accept the fact the friends knew the best way to honor the life of someone who touched all of them in one way or another. A life too short but blessed each of them.

We are amongst friends who celebrate each other's accomplishments and help each other in times of need. I'm proud to be associated with that.

A Lifetime
Very nice Eric,

We know how our friends feel in these times and our hearts and our thoughts go out to them. At the same time we're reminded of what we'll be going through eventually, and we grieve with them. It's part of life on earth. Life goes on, but the friends we have and lose, including the four legged ones we all eventually will lose too, will be remembered forever.

All true .

Most of us have been there. We have lost one of our 4 footed pals in the past. Reading about someone else going thru it now brings back the memories and feelings of that loss. Only someone who has gone thru it knows that you don't lose "just a dog". You truly do lose a best friend, a part of you. It isn't something you can ever explain to those who don't already know.

Hug your dogs today

Dave B AKA baumy
I am so proud to be part of this group of outdoor gentlemen and women that words don't work. Eric, you need to be very proud of what you started and we all need to keep this extended family in good shape. We have shared good and bad times with each other in ways that most of the rest of the world would not understand. My trip down south just proved that, not a single axe murderer in the bunch. It was VERY hard to explain that I was going half way around the world with people I had not met in person. Here we are ,lets celebrate!
Well put Eric. I’ll never forget the well wishes I received. The web is full of forums but it’s this kind of sincerity and the good will and fellowship of this site that I find that sets it apart from others. Like you and others have mentioned, I'm glad to be apart of it.

Take care.

Ed L.
"We are amongst friends who celebrate each other's accomplishments and help each other in times of need. I'm proud to be associated with that."

I couldn't agree more. Thanks Eric...and everybody else that makes this such a special place. Once things settle I will post something in the tribute section.