Toledo Decoys?

Lee Daniels

New member
I am going to buy a dozen Toledo Mallard Decoys and wanted to get your guys opinion on what size to get. I was thinking of getting the largest possible, but wanted to get your opinion if these are to large. I do have a boat and hunt 90% of the time on reservoirs for ducks. Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
Great choice, Tom makes an incredible decoy and I would recommend the magnum size. Also is a great guy.

Gary March
Tom is a great guy and he makes durable decoys - I have mallards and blacks in magnum size and love them - I also have several divers in standard size and they work great - You can't go wrong with either size...........
Hey Lee,

I've got a dozen of the ultra mags and they're great in rough water. We use them on Saginaw Bay and St. Clair when the weather kicks up. In my opinion, the ducks can see them better when you've got 2+ footers. On flat water, I think they scare the bajeezers out of the ducks! If you're not hunting big water, go with the standard magnums.
