Top Waterfowling Moment

Craig F

Well-known member
We all have hunts that are burned into our memory banks that keep the fire burning for decades to come.

I had one of those hunts this past week and had the great fortune to have my dad with me. All the time he put in when I was a scrawny 10 year old who would get upset when he would leave me home in the ice and snow comes full circle when I had him tag along for a 17 degree morning hunt. The cold weather locked up a lot of the small ponds and potholes and pushed the birds to the coast. We had just about every species of puddle duck work us over the morning and on our way to a two man limit we had a moment that will forever be burned into my memory.

Out of the sunshine a group of upward of 40 birds locked up and were dropping into the rig feet down, at first I thought they were gadwall but once they got closer my heart skipped a beat as they were all pintail. Pintail are pretty rare for us to shoot in my neck of the woods in NJ and my father hadn't shot one in years so to see a group that large feet down over the rig was truly a special moment. We each harvested a mature bull sprig and sat back to try to understand what we just witnessed.

I have been having a great puddle duck season, but it's all going to be downhill from that now.



Very Cool!! You?ll remember this hunt when you are
95 years old and a smile will come to your face because of it.
My guess is you?ll be hoping for a repeat next year around the
same time frame.
Congratulations to both you and your Dad!

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If it was going to happen to anyone, I couldn't think of anyone better than you and your dad. You two have paid your dues 100 fold over the years and I can't think of two people more deserving to be blessed with such gorgeous, rare birds.

To see 40 of those coming in must be an experience.
Great story. You are having a good season for sure. First a banded duck, now pintails with your father. Must really have been something to see them coming in.

How great that you were abe to get out with your dad and spend some time in the blind.

I was only able to get out with my father a handful of times, but they are etched in my memory as the some of the best and most meaningful times of my life.

There are just a few shots and a brief note that he made in his field journal about those days, a curled edged faded photo that I cherish in a book tucked away. Cherish every minute.

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Sounds like Santa thought you were a good boy this year and is giving you some early presents. Congrads on the memories you,ve made, especially with your dad. Merry Christmas and send a few of those Pintails south to the Eastern Shore.
Big drake pintails are special birds. And that many coming in has to be a sight.

Have never gotten one with a good tail but even those early season birds have left memories.

Craig F said:
We all have hunts that are burned into our memory banks that keep the fire burning for decades to come.

Out of the sunshine a group of upward of 40 birds locked up and were dropping into the rig feet down, at first I thought they were gadwall but once they got closer my heart skipped a beat as they were all pintail. Pintail are pretty rare for us to shoot in my neck of the woods in NJ and my father hadn't shot one in years so to see a group that large feet down over the rig was truly a special moment. We each harvested a mature bull sprig and sat back to try to understand what we just witnessed.

I have been having a great puddle duck season, but it's all going to be downhill from that now.



Bawawawawa, I was hunting Rock Hall Md when that cold front came in with a great wind out of the NW.. We had the same thing but it was 15 or so Pintails do the same thing.. For a second we thought " No their Mergansers".. lol Then every was pumped we only got one drake.... It's never downhill !! That was fuel for the fire that burns within Duckhunters..
Congratulations to both of you. It is good to hear that you are doing well.


Craig, were most in the flock, drakes?
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I saw the pictures a few days ago and thought it was pretty cool but the story far surpasses the pictures. Congratulations on some gorgeous birds and a great memory. Definitely has been a few great days of gunning here in the garden state so far this season
Congratulations Craig. Awesome moment! I love how your dads pintail has the speculum lit up in copper hues! That need to be framed. Well done.
Thanks everyone! I've had a lot of special moments with my dad in the marsh, but this one definitely is right up there with the top ones.

That picture's definitely being framed and we also kept both birds for a potential dual mount.