Tough Post. (NDR)

Derek, Having a very sick daughter at Birth , I can appreciate what you are going through. My Prayers are with you & your Family. They sure worked for my Family. Keep your Chin up. PAUL

Prayers for your daughter and the family. As the father of a daughter with special needs and medical issues of her own I can appreciate the emotions you are feeling. Make sure to take care of yourself and your wife, you are on a ride no one should have to take. Take advantage of the support systems that are available. I imagine you are used to doing much more for others than you are accepting help. Now is the time to accept the help. You need to take care of yourself so you can be as strong as possible for your little girl.

We should all appreciate the miracle each new day is. Regardless if we know of a life threatening condition or not.
Thanks Guys for all the nice comments, and support.

After almost 2 weeks in the Hospital my Baby-Girl Kid is stable, and no longer needing any special surgeries, or procedures to continue on fighting the Blood Cancer. We've been blessed with many small miracles so far that we're very grateful for. Overall we've learned Her prognosis is good, and we just need to keep Her as healthy as we can while Chemo-Drugs burn down, and deplete Her immune-system over the next few Months.

I'm pretty much living at the Pediatric Oncology Unit at the Children's Hospital, but I've again been fortunate to get a little bit of Decoy Painting done, and I got a day off to work on Boats too since the 1st. Most important thing is taking care of the Family, and although we're exhausted it's good to know we're in a great place for Her care, and we've got lots of support from our Friends, and Family. God has been good to us, and I'm faithful the result will allow us to keep our little Girl, and see Her grow up to be healthy.

Again the most sincere thank you from my Family, and I. I know these threads can sometimes be a bummer, but I've been greatly encouraged by it, and the PMs/calls/texts...

My 2 year old grand-daughter and I were picking apples in the orchard today, and your post crossed my mind. She's sleeping in her crib now, and I just checked in to DHBP and went right to your post.

What terrific news!! You and your family take one day at a time and keep the Faith, as He will protect you and watch over the little one.

Stay Strong,
