Traded in the duck boat for something a bit more seaworthy. NDR

Brad Bortner

Well-known member
But only for 9 days. Since I have some down time and I'm catching up, I've been planning on posting a few shots I took in July. My wife and another couple joined me on a bareboat charter out of Juneau in July. I could put up dozens of photos but I'll only put a few for your enjoyment.

Our boat for 9 days. 4 people on a 42 footer was nice and comfy.

The view from my office.

Anyone need cocktail ice? Makes for nice cocktails and stays frozen in the cooler for a long time. This is the south Sawyer Glacier in the Tracy Arm.

The glaciated geography is difficult to describe in words that do not include awesome and immense.

We had great weather during most of the trip.

Steaming around Stephens Passage brought lots of wildlife encounters.

we were surrounded by humpback whales.

Met a couple locals.

So the answer is Yes. Bears do this in the woods....on the hiking trails.

We visited Petersburg after catching a limit of halibut in Frederick Sound. The town square has memorials to the fishermen who perished at sea and the Nordic town founders.

Over at Admirality Island,we dropped anchor in a beautiful cove.

It was certainly beautiful on Admirality.

But I think I am going to have to put extensions on my longlines to hunt up there.

Beautiful scenery, unrelenting environment, wonderful memories, and a great vacation.


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What a different world - from the "old" northeast! And what a fine idea for a vacation. Congratulations.

Awesome Brad! The beauty of what you, Sandy and friends would take in during those 9 days is priceless. I trust you enjoyed your time together. Nothing like friends, family and fellowship while taking in the great outdoors. Pat
That sounds like a great trip and what a great way to see such a cool part of the country. I've been near there (on a ferry), but always thought about how cool it would be to go sneaking among the islands like you did. That is great!
Looks like a great trip! I was born in Juneau, then raised in Petersberg. I recognize the scenery.

With the 90-100 degree hot and dry weather we have had here in Idaho, I even miss the rain a bit in Southeast Alaska

You can't beat beer battered fresh halibut in my biased opinion.
Brad, that looks like a really neat vacation. I like the idea of a cruise, but not having to be on a schedule like on one of the big cruises. Neat pictures.

How big were your halibut?

And you don't anchor up in those depths do you? Or are there more shallow places to anchor up?


The halibut were all nice little chickens. Averaged around 20 pounds. You are right about anchoring. Everything up there are glaciated fjords so very deep. You have to find protected coves with shallow depths. But not too shallow since you'll have 20-25 foot tides. The other problem was the bottom structure. Being primarily glacial till or moraines the bottom was often gravel or even worse, rocks. Gravel doesn't hold and rocks hold too well. All the boats in the PNW and Alaska have all chain rodes so I was typically dropping 200 feet of chain to hold in place. All in all a very unique boating experience.
Well neat.

WOW...200 feet of chain to hold in place. Very different from here that's for sure. Mind boggling to me. Be fun to do it though, if the seas stayed calm for me
Damn is right, 200'????
I got used to anchoring in 100' of water with just 20' of chain and 150' of rode, cant imagine 200' of chain!

Great pics, great trip!