Turkeying in WA


Well-known member
Gold Sponsor
Well I just got back from turkey hunting out in WA with Steve Sutton and Fred Slyfield. What a blast I had! I got to shoot my very first Merriams, who strutted and danced into range for about 60 yards. What a sight...to watch the sun glinting off that bad boy as he strutted and shook his tail at us, showed off, gobbled a bit, walking through the flowers...a prettier dance couldn't have been asked for.

I got to see some of the local wildlife...lots of elk and deer...and got to see my first pretty plumed ruddy duck. There were LOTS of those little guys up there. And they had no problems showing me what big bad boys they were.





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Nice looking bird, sounds like a great hunt.
They didn't start calling you Flower did they? ;-)

DANCES TO THE GUN that I've ever enjoyed....the bird gobbled on his own late int he morning letting us know that he was looking for the hen that had been calling earlier in the morning....we were on a burned ridge with very little understory so the blackened trunks of the Ponderosa Pine's contrasted beautifully with the green and yellow of the blooming Balsam Root. If that wasn't pretty enough then the bird topping the ridge right into a shaft of sunlight, his head a big white softball, in full strut and practically glowing as he made his way to Fred's "stuffer" decoy, was.

From 70 yards to the 18 when Dani dropped the hammer on him he never dropped out of strut and he "danced" the entire way, crossing the ridge three different times dropping out of site except for his fan which looked like a wagon wheel above the ridge line. Even I could hear him drumming when he got inside 25. From the first look to the last quiver was a good 10 minutes so it was one heck of a show.

Taken in one of my favorite Washington Turkey spots he will definately be a Turkey I'll remember for a long time.

Thanks to Fred for the invite, not to mention all the fine eats.

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Congratulations!!!! Dani. I would pay a bazillion dollars to hunt with those two guys for turkeys. And I live in Washington State. I keep going but for some reason there are smarter than everything I have hunted in my life. Still no turkeys. Oh! well. I hope you had a great time.
Gary March
I keep tellin you....call me....as a matter of fact I called you last week but you haven't called back....I'm free this coming weekend if you want to give it a try.....plus I need some help on the camera....AND I found some neat places to photo soem birds that you haven't posted photos on.....

AND you're invited to the Carving weekend at Fred's.....



You ought to take Steve up on his offer...those two are a hoot, a lot of fun to be around. And don't worry bout them turkeys being smarter than you...hell they're smarter than me most of the time too...I just get lucky once in a while...but it's still fun

Dani, I think I am an ok waterfowler. 40 yrs. worth. But these turkeys. They seem so dumb 11 months of the year. Then I go to shoot one. No luck. Passed on this buck last season while archery hunting waiting for a bigger one. They seem easy compared to a May turkey. I give up. But Dani! The very first time I met Steve he called me a _ _ _ _ _ because I had wine instead of a beer. My emotions haven't been in tack since then. I'm not very thick skinned. Not sure if I am up to another day in the blind with him. HeHe.

Gary March

Congratulations. Way to go. I can only imagine how you must have been thrilled watching that bird show off for you. It ;looks and sounds like you had a great trip.

I kind of side with Gary on the turkey smart issue. They do seem so dumb most of the year, then a switch goes off in the noggin and they become seeming Einsteins. At least that is how they seem.

Somewhat different than the swamps of the south eh? Next time you come up, it'd be nice to meet up with you.

Stay cool down there.
the reason for all of the "missed" invites and calls.....

Sorry in arrears for offending you...wold have never done it on purpose.....but it is nice to know whats up.....

Dani, Nice bird! I am looking forward to the day when I can have the spring time to chase gobblers. Too much going on at school in the spring to slip away. BTW thanks for the smile w/ the stress relief exercise.
Bwahahahahahahahaha I can't count the numbers of times I've gotten a load of bull-oney from Steve about how I order chicken at a sea food place...or how I'd rather eat something other than lobster when there is a whole tub full of fresh lobsters to be eaten...eventually though, he'll get it through his skull that my dislike for lobsters is his gain since he can have my share anyday of the week....

And it's TOTALLY different hunting turkeys up there than down in the swamps here. It was so friggin neat to actually SEE the bird strutting through the woods, dancing and showing us what a good looking gobbler he is. Down here it's not always so easy to see...and it was actually colder here when I got home than when I left Seattle...how weird is that?

and Tom, you're welcome for the smile...


Very, very nice, you can't beat that scenery and the those are two great guys to hunt with. Good that you got a nice bird and had a good show, it doesn't work out that way enough for my taste. This year I've killed turkeys in just about every scenario that our eastern birds will allow, so I can't complain, but the good long strut in the open just doesn't happen enough.

I tagged out here yesterday and I'm getting an itchy trigger finger already...


Glad to hear that you tagged out and I know just what you mean about that itchy trigger finger...if only WA weren't so far away, I'd be back out there for another weekend hunt....ah well...gotta do the job hunt thing so that I can do it all again next year....yup I do....

Laughing and nodding my head...thats the way life is supposed to be...

Congrats on the bird and I am glad you, Sutton and his buddies put this hunt together...you'll put it into your mental memory book and remember it forever. Good job!
Dani, Glad you had a good time, It was a pleasure to meet you, good luck on the job search,, if you need a reference don"t use Sutton!!!

Geez Fred....first you tell me Rob was "damaged" at the Chukar hunt, then Gary says the same thing from an off the cuff comment 5 years ago, and now this....ET TO FREDUS?

I'm definately going to have to brush up on my Mrs. Eda's Charm School lessons .....

Good luck this weekend.....

Dani, Wonderful bird, and welcome to the Northwest. I have enjoyed your postings for the past several years. However, I was puzzled by you calling the bird a Merriams. I might be totally wrong, but it sure looks like a Rio to me. And since Steve Sutton places emphasis on his ornithology skills, surely he didn't make the mistake? (If there is one!) As for the Merriams in Washington, I spoke with one of the chief turkey biologist in the state a few years ago, and he told me that pure Merriams were getting "rare". Much the same case in Oregon. Thanks again for your postings. I always enjoy them. Best, Worth Mathewson
to introduce multiple sub-species of Turkeys to the same State, and often contiguous to existing populations of birds, it certainly isn't difficult to see why there are "few" pure Merriams anymore.....add to that the fact that the source of the original birds for the stocking might well have been "polluted" and suddenly the birds become a homogenous "mix" of whatever genes are present. Witness Washington calling the birds in the Klicitat "Merriams" while just across the river in Oregon the same population is referred to as "hybrid" by the Game Commission....

These days, due as much to the empahsis on "slamming" as on anything else, the "sub-specific" identification of Turkeys is often dependant on what the NWTF and the State says and not the characteristics of the bird itself. The best example of this is the Osceola who, for slam purposes, is determined based on an arbitrary line established by the records keepers at the NWTF that says, "south of this line --Osceola, North of this line--Eastern" and thats regardless of the "plummage characteristics" of the bird that should be the determining factor, giving us "record book" Osceola's that weigh 25 lbs and that have primary and secondary feather patterns that would be immediately i.d.'ed as Easterns by anyone that had ever seen an Eastern.

To a huge extent I see the same thing happeneing with the Merriams. The NWTF and the guide services that are selling hunts for "PURE MERRIAMS" tell us that a Merriams should be "white" on the tail tips and the rump and as a result pictures of birds with anything but white are "questioned".

Checking the literature I find the following on the characteristics of Merriams vs. Rio's:

Rectrix tips Upper tail coverts Rump

Merriams buff to pinkish white buff to pinkish white blueish black

Rio cinammon to buff cinammon or pinkish buff greenish gold to
blueish black

(*Shorger, Aldrich and Rea)

Based on the above characteristics Dani's bird has the characteristics of a Merriams, was shot in a part of the state that the Game Department released only Merriams, and as a result I'm happy with calling a bird a Merriam's even if it doesn't have the "WHITE and ONLY WHITE" tail tip and rump feathers that the NWTF hypes as the identifying marks. Add to that the fact that absolutely snow white featured birds are also taken on this property, (see a side by side picture showing that by Fred Slyfield just down the page).

Ultimately I think all "western" turkeys will become homogenous given the continued movement by Game Departments of "different" sub-species than the original plantings and that will leave the only "pure" Merriams in the core historic habitats of New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado, if even there given the fact that once seperated populations are now in such close proximity to one another.

WHO KNOWs....for now though I'm happy with calling the birds from the NE corner of Washington Merriams just lke I'm comfortable calling the birds from SW Oregon Rio's even though I killed a bird there this Spring that if it was shown to someone in Kansas it would immediately be labled a Rio x Eastern.

Thanks for changing pictures on this thread. Now my 'flower' comment looks stupid where before it was just not that funny, or easy to get I guess. :)
I do have to say that this picture does show off the turkey better.
