Turning the corner on sea ducks

Nick Zito

Active member
Andrea and I have been having a slow go this year on ducks. This is the first year I got a nice fat goose egg on ducks for the early season week, our new goose farm put a hold on us hunting there due to cows being scared (we still have the field), and the weather is wildly warm.

All that being said, yesterday we hit one of our local favorites, only one other group out. Tide was low so we had to sit further in the channel than expected. Motor was unusable due to depth, so we trolled in. Managed to play with my new blind cover, ended up bagging my first drake green wing teal, then she bagged a mallard.

Today we went to another spot alongside Ken Morris and his son in their own boat. Managed to get 8 buffies and 8 old squaw for the two of us. Andreas first real day sea duck hunting and getting some reliable shots. In fact, I left my gun in the stern while I was up in the bow modifying the blind. I look up and three hens come screaming in and she takes all three. I was dumbfounded. I had been tagging singles all morning while she was stuck staring at the suns reflection in the water. Needless to say, a great day, albeit tiring. As I'm writing this the coffee has worn off and the beer and only meal of the day have kicked my sleep drive into high gear. Was great to see some improvement while she's using her new left handed semi auto: wish we had the shotkam on it for the triple. Maybe she's turning a new leaf on sea ducking (she always wants to puddle duck hunt)

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Congratulations Andrea on the triple! Sounds like a lot of fun.
I know how you feel, I've been working my ass off for a couple ducks! Obviously it's still a great day with or without ducks, but it's also satisfying to shoot more than a few from time to time.
Glad to see someone is getting some birds, the birds seem spotty at best. Shooting a triple On
Sea ducks is quite a feat in itself,especially on sea ducks.
What a great couple of hunts, thanks for sharing!

I shot a triple once in 23 years of duck hunting in Mobile, it was on buffies.
Pulling one off on sea ducks is a whole level beyond!